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Content archived on 2022-11-25

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RTD cooperation between the EU and emerging economies

The European Commission, DG XII, has published an open call to tender for studies aimed at exploring the prospects for greater RTD cooperation between the European Union and selected emerging economies (China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and South Africa) in advanced tech...

The European Commission, DG XII, has published an open call to tender for studies aimed at exploring the prospects for greater RTD cooperation between the European Union and selected emerging economies (China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and South Africa) in advanced technology sectors. The studies aim to generate a better knowledge of the RTD potential and capabilities of these emerging economies. The tender is divided into six lots: - Five studies exploring the prospects for greater RTD cooperation between the European Union and (1) China, (2) India, (3) Brazil, (4) Mexico and (5) Argentina in advanced technology sectors. The aim of these five separate studies is to provide for each country an updated overview of national RTD policies, to identify key governmental departments with competence in RTD and in international RTD cooperation, to identify the national research institutions which have achieved a worldwide reputation in advanced technology sectors, to inquire about Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), and to assess whether RTD collaboration with these countries may be of mutual benefit and have industrial spin-offs; - One study exploring the prospects for greater RTD cooperation between the European Union and (6) South Africa. The aim of this study is to identify the key South African research institutions in areas covered by the Fourth Framework Programme and the key governmental departments with competence in RTD, to provide an overview of RTD policies, and to identify topics where EU/South African RTD cooperation may be of mutual benefit. The tender documents may be requested from: European Commission DG XII - Science, research and development Mr. Louis Bellemin Directorate B - Cooperation with non-member countries and international organizations 200 rue de la Loi (SDME 9/53) B-1049 Brussels Tel. +32-2-2953696; Fax +32-2-2969824 The address to which tenders should be sent is in the tender documents.

