CORDIS - EU research results

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Content archived on 2022-11-28

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CORDIS migrates to a new host - New connection details

In order to improve user access to the CORDIS databases, and to allow CORDIS to add new features in line with users' needs, CORDIS is being relocated to a new host with state-of-the-art full-text retrieval technology. The changes which end-users have to make within their conn...

In order to improve user access to the CORDIS databases, and to allow CORDIS to add new features in line with users' needs, CORDIS is being relocated to a new host with state-of-the-art full-text retrieval technology. The changes which end-users have to make within their connect and log on procedures have been kept to a minimum. This could involve changes to your script files, telecommunications software and connection macros for interfaces such as Watch-CORDIS. Should you encounter any difficulties or require further assistance or information, the CORDIS Help Desk is at your disposal. You can access the on-line databases via the Internet, your local packet switched data network (PSDN) or by using a direct telephone line: - WWW:; - Telnet:; - PSDN: NUA 270 442136 (8 data, full duplex, no parity); - Telephone: +352-438642 (8 data, full duplex, no parity). Your ECHO password will remain valid for the new CORDIS host. We encourage you to continue using this password as this will enable you to access additional features as and when these are introduced. New users can either use the public password "CORDIS" or register online for a personal password. Please note that no password is required for access via the World Wide Web. The new host will continue to support the Common Command Language (CCL). The old Menu System, previously available on the GRIPS/ECHO host, will not be available on the new CORDIS host as this has been superseded by the new Windows interface, Watch-CORDIS. Details as to how the new host will affect your access are given below: - Users of the World Wide Web: No change; - Users of Watch-CORDIS: Change connection details in your macro; - Users of CCL: Change connection details; - Users of Menu system (Telnet): Change to the Web or Watch-CORDIS; - Users of Menu system (Direct dial, X.25): Change to Watch-CORDIS; - Users of Watch-ECHO: Change to Watch-CORDIS. Watch-CORDIS can be obtained, free of charge, from the CORDIS Help Desk. It may also be downloaded directly from the CORDIS World Wide Web server at: