CORDIS - EU research results

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User workshops for the Centre for Earth Observation

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre has published an invitation to tender for the organization of a series of user workshops for the Centres for Earth Observation (CEO). The Centre for Earth Observation (CEO) programme of the European Commission aims at stimulatin...

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre has published an invitation to tender for the organization of a series of user workshops for the Centres for Earth Observation (CEO). The Centre for Earth Observation (CEO) programme of the European Commission aims at stimulating the use of Earth Observation (EO) data and at enhancing European-wide communication in the exchange of information and data between EO service providers and users. The CEO is now in its design and implementation phase, which is planned to run from 1996-1998. The "user support" component of the CEO programme comprises actions and measures aimed at helping the user to benefit from EO in order to meet his or her professional goal. A principal goal of the CEO programme is to increase the number of customers for EO data and information. An initiative to help achieve this aim is to undertake a series of workshop discussions with specific customer segments, in governmental or commercial organizations, who have been identified as significant potential customers for EO-derived information. Four separate 'user workshop' studies will each perform a requirements analysis to: - Characterize the customer segment and its potential use of EO; - Identify the professional tasks that can benefit from EO information; - Derive a specification of the EO products that are currently feasible and could meet the need of the customer segment; - Brief other individuals and organizations in the customer segment of the benefits of using EO information. The four customer segments for which separate proposals are required are: - Water companies; - Agri business; - Shipping industry; - Land navigation industry/digital mapping industry. Proposals can be made for either one or more of the customer segments mentioned above. Each proposal must be made separately. The work is to be completed by the end of March 1998. Requests for tender documentation should be sent, in writing (fax or post), to: European Commission Joint Research Centre Mr. P. Churchill TP 441 I-21020 Ispra Tel. +39-332-785425; Fax +39-332-785461 E-mail: Completed proposals should be sent to the same address.