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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2023-03-27

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Communications network Community programme (EEC) on trade electronic data interchange systems (TEDIS), 1988-1989

Electronic data interchange (EDI) in the field of trade refers to the exchange of information and messages between business partners by electronic means of communication rather than in the form of conventional documents.

Council Decision No 87/95 /EEC of 22 December 1986 on standardization in the field of information technology and telecommunications (Official Journal No L 36 of 7.2.1987) established a general framework for drawing up standards or common technical specifications.

Related projects already undertaken by the Community include the CD (Coordinated Development) project and the CADDIA (Cooperation in Automation of Data and Documentation for Imports/Exports and Agriculture) programme, while the multiannual data-processing programme (MAP, 1979-1986) contained three limited activities involving projects between private users. Another related programme is INSIS (Inter-Institutional Information System), which was launched in 1982.
To coordinate work on the development of trade electronic data interchange systems in the Community and to alert potential users and European hardware manufacturers and software houses.
Ten horizontal and four vertical activities:

- Horizontal activities necessary for the development of trade electronic data interchange (EDI):
. Coordination at Community level of work being carried out in Member States on trade EDI systems;
. Alerting potential users;
. Alerting European hardware and software manufacturers;
. Logistic support (meetings, interpretation, etc.) for European sectoral groups;
. Consideration of the specific requirements of trade EDI within the Community in respect of telecommunications and standardization policies;
. Assistance with setting up conformance testing centres for relevant software and hardware;
. Solving legal problems that might hamper the development of trade EDI;
. Studying related linguistic problems;
. Studying the security requirements for EDI;
. Studying the advisability of promoting the development of the specialized software needed for EDI;

- Vertical activities/sectoral projects:
. Comparing existing or potential sectoral projects on trade EDI;
. Identifying special requirements emerging during the implementation of trade EDI systems;
. Studying possible assistance for SMEs in this field;
. Considering possible support for pilot projects.
The Commission was responsible for implementing the programme, in coordination with existing or planned policies and activities in the Community on telecommunications, the information market, standardization and multilingualism, and in particular with the CADDIA programme and the CD project, so as to ensure the necessary interaction with the specific requirements of trade electronic data interchange.

Council Decision 89/241/EEC of 5 April 1989 (Official Journal No L 97 of 11.4.1989) amended the original Decision on TEDIS to allow the Commission to negotiate agreements with non-Member States, in particular with member countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), with a view to associating them fully or partially with the programme. Six such agreements, renewable tacitly for the duration of the second TEDIS programme, were subsequently concluded on 21 December 1989 with the EFTA countries Austria, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland (Council Decisions 89/689/EEC, 89/690/ EEC, 89/691/EEC, 89/692/EEC, 89/693/EEC and 89/694/EEC respectively, Official Journal No L 400 of 30.12.1989) These agreements allowed undertakings in each of the associated countries to tender for and carry out contracts under the same terms and conditions as those applicable within the Community.

An activity report on the programme was submitted by the Commission to the Council in July 1990.