CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

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Sectoral research and development programme (EEC) in the field of environment (environmental protection and climatology) - indirect and concerted actions - Climatology -, 1981-1985

Carried out as part of the 1981-1985 sectoral research and development programme in the field of environment (environmental protection and climatology), this programme absorbed and replaced the 1980-1984 multiannual research programme in the field of climatology adopted by Council Decision 80/27/EEC of 1979.12.18.

The objectives and principles of a Community environmental policy as approved by the Council in its Resolution of 17 May 1977 concerning the second Community action programme on the environment (ENVAP 2C, 1977-1981) served as a frame of reference.
To increase the understanding of climate by studying historic patterns, simulating climatic conditions and assessing climate predictability, and to investigate the interaction between human activity and climate by studying both the impact of climatic changes on agricultural and energy resources and the effect of chemical pollution on the atmosphere.
Three research areas:

- Understanding climate:
. Reconstruction of past climates (exploration and analysis of natural records and of observational and other historical records);
. Climate modelling and prediction (investigations to improve models which are capable of simulating climate and of assessing climate predictability on time and space scales that are of interest to the Community;

- Man- climate interactions:
. Climate variability and European resources (impact on agricultural and water resources, climatic hazards evaluation, impact on energy requirements, use and production);
. Man's influence on climate (chemical pollution of the atmosphere, release of energy);

- Service activities:
. Interdisciplinary studies for the analysis, evaluation and application of the results of climatic research on man-climate interaction;
. Inventory, coordination and enrichment of European climatic data sets.
The Commission, assisted by the Advisory Committee on Programme Management (ACPM) on Climatology, was responsible for executing the programme, which involved indirect actions carried out by means of contracts.

Information arising from implementation of the indirect actions was disseminated in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No 2380/74 of 17 September 1974 (Official Journal No L 255 of 20.9.1974) adopting provisions for the dissemination of information relating to research programmes for the European Economic Community.

In accordance with Article 228 of the Treaty, the Commission was authorized to conclude agreements with third States, in particular those involved in European collaboration in the field of scientific and technical research (COST), with a view to associating them wholly or partly with the programme.

The programme was re-examined at the end of the third year.