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Content archived on 2023-03-27

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Research programme (Euratom, EEC) to be implemented by the Joint Research Centre - Nuclear fuels and actinides research -, 1984-1987

Part of the first Framework Programme (1984-1987) under sub-activity 5.1.: "Nuclear fission" and part of the Research Action Programme (RAP): "Fission".

Questions of safety were of primary importance, including the fuels cycle and the safe operation of fuels containing plutonium.

The work on fuel swelling was replaced by the assessment of optimized advanced fuels. Basic information on fuel and fission product behaviour under off-normal conditions was provided for by the evaluation of accidents in nuclear reactors. Safety aspects of fuel fabrication and reprocessing were also investigated.

The preparation of actinide compounds and the determination of their physical characteristics was continued in the framework of Community collaboration.
To improve the safe use of fuel in nuclear fission reactors with fast or thermal neutron fluxes, to investigate safety-related aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle (actinide formation, the handling of radioactive material and the reprocessing of spent fuel) and to undertake basic actinide research.
Four projects:

- Operational limits of nuclear fuels:
Improving the technical performance and safety of nuclear fuels and investigating their physical properties;

- Transient behaviour of oxide fuels:
Investigating the possibility of increasing the lifetime of light water reactor fuel rods;

- Actinide cycle safety:
Investigating actinide formation in-pile, improving the handling conditions for radioactive material and studying nuclear fuel reprocessing;

- Actinide research:
Understanding the properties of solids containing actinides in terms of the electronic structure of their constituents and of the contribution of 5f-electrons to the chemical bond.
The Commission, assisted by the board of governors of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), was responsible for carrying out the programme, which was executed by the European Institute of Transuranium Elements at the Karlsruhe Establishment of the JRC.

Information was disseminated in accordance with Council Regulation (EEC) No 2380/74 of 17 September 1974 (Official Journal No L 255 of 20.9.1974) adopting provisions for the dissemination of information relating to research programmes for the European Community.

The Commission submitted annual reports to the Council and the European Parliament on the execution of the programme and reviewed it in its third year with a view to a further four-year programme. A final critical analysis carried out by independent experts was also submitted.