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Inhalt archiviert am 2023-03-27

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Research and training programme (Euratom) in the field of biology - health protection (Radiation Protection Programme), 1980-1984

This 1980-1984 radiation protection programme was the fifth to be implemented in the field since 1959. Its initial year coincided with the final year of the 1976-1980 programme. Funds left over from that programme were incorporated in its budget. The continuation of this research has been necessary in view of the steady expansion in the exploitation of nuclear energy, in the handling of nuclear fuels throughout their cycle, and in the use of ionizing radiation and radioisotopes in medicine and by industry.
To improve scientific and technical knowledge with a view to updating basic standards for protecting the health of the general public and of workers against the hazards arising from ionizing radiation and to evaluate the biological and ecological consequences of nuclear activities and the use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation in order to ensure adequate protection of man and the environment.
Six major areas:

- Radiation dosimetry and its interpretation;
- Behaviour and control of radionuclides in the environment;
- Short-term somatic effects of ionizing radiation;
- Late somatic effects of ionizing radiation;
- Genetic effects of ionizing radiation;
- Evaluation of radiation hazards.
The Commission, assisted by the Advisory Committee on Programme Management (ACPM) for Radiation Protection, was responsible for implementing the programme.

The research was carried out mainly under research contracts and partly by the Commission's Biology Group at the Ispra establishment of the JRC.

A report was sent to the Council and the European Parliament at the end of the third year with a view to a possible revision of the programme.