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Mobile Crowd Sourcing Video Scene Reconstruction

Opis projektu

High-Tech Research Intensive SMEs in FET research

If you visited a rock concert recently, or any other event that attracts crowds, you cannot ignore the many people taking videos of the scenario in that specific event at the same time, using their mobile phone cameras. Our vision involves using the power of the crowd of multiple mobile phone users to create a higher quality and 3 dimensional video experience that can be shared by social networks interested in this event. We would like to offer a two- fold infrastructure: technological and social so that the individual documented experience from the mobile user's view point will lead into a 3D video experience that can be distributed into social networks and individual domains. Our aim is to have an aggregated 3D video feed that can be a live and interactive 3D scene application where you can travel across the 3D video, see people and stuff that is going on and manipulate the pictures according to multiple applications' purposes. Beyond the individual experience, the people that contributed in sourcing and generating this 3D scene and who are interested in it will constitute an ad hoc virtual community.

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Wkład UE
€ 622 572,00
4365104 Ra Anana

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Rodzaj działalności
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Kontakt administracyjny
Chen Sagiv (Dr.)
Koszt całkowity
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Uczestnicy (4)