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Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

Dramatically reducing spreading of invasive, non-native exotic species into new ecosystems through n efficient and high volume capacity Ballast Water Cleaning System (OCEANSAVER)


Transport of micro-'organisms in ballast water represents a major contributor to spreading of invasive, non-native exotic species into new ecosystems which can result in serious effects on sensitive ecological communities around the world. Both regions in the North Sea and the Mediterranean have experienced uncontrolled growth of killer algae" reaching pest proportions in many areas and causing huge economic impact by killing fish in fish farms' The degree of microbiological growth depend in several factors such as water temperature, sunlight and the amount of nutrients in the waterO,21, and microbiological growth in ballast tanks results in increased maintenance of these tanks including use of VQC containing tank coating products. Microbiological growth, and especially of sulphate reducing bacteria, is 'enhanced in ballast tanks where sediments have accumulated due to ballast water not being filtered by intake, as the situation is for most ships today. In 1997 the Commission proposed a European Parliament and Council Directive establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (Water Framework Directive, WFD). This Directive will replace, the emission control policy established under Council Directive 76/464/EEC, and be the WFD will be the basic legislation for the protection of the European aquatic environment.
Our project will directly contribute to the objectives of the Water Framework Directive by contributing to reduction in water pollution and maintaining the biodiversity in coastal areas and waterways across the EU by contributing to reduction in spreading of non-native exotic micro-organisms to vulnerable ecosystems, the IPPC Directive, i.e. the "Council Directive concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (96/61/EEC)" and also other directives. The global need for a Ballast Water Treatment system that meets the coming IMQ objectives for BWT systems. Every year more than 10.000 M tons of ballast water...

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Akersveien 24 C, St. Hanshaugen
2608 OSLO

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