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Contenu archivé le 2022-12-27



To divert part of the flow of the River Sezia for either electricity generation purposes or, in the summer months, for irrigation purposes. The water intake is of the run-of-river type and incorporates a novel design of trash rack.
The installation comes with a two fold objective. Firstly to bring about a financial revenue to the district council through the production of Electricity and the sale of it through the EDF mains grid. Secondly to make possible the storage and distribution of water under pressure for irrigating an estate of roughly 140 hectares of farmland.
The hydro-electric power station is completely automatic and requires only limited surveillance and maintenance moreover during its construction a strong accent was put on the participation of local labour throughout the work in order to prepare them for their future task of running a business.
The realisation of this work in a tourist area of particularly high quality has required the use of specially adapted techniques so as to make the minimum impact. Further more the path under which the feeder pipe has been placed, has shown to be of special interest to the users of mountain bikes.
The hydrology of the basin is of the "pluvio-nival" type showing two marked low water levels one in February and the other in August/September.
The intake is fixed at the height of 1001 NGF (Average Snowfall Altitude). The discharge is fixed at the height of 745 NGF, being 20 metres beneath the surface of the "Lac du Sautet" (This a formentioned precaution is kept in order to make up for the important variations of the Sautet dam lakes retaining level and to avoid the erosion of the Banks).
The provisional acceptation of the work was made on 03/02/88.
It has permitted to demonstrate the correct functioning of the installation in spite of the instabilities of the workings leading to frequent stoppings and startings.
At the end of the trial period, the industrial implementation was pronounced on 09/05/88.
The efficiency of the equipment was able to be checked thoroughly during the first years of functioning and up to now in spite of the hydraulic context being particularly unfavourable which has penalised the plant production.
The life expectancy of the infrastructure can be estimated at 30 years or more; for the machinery: a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years seems reasonable in assuring the renewal of used parts when necessary and regular maintenance.
Several facilities could be envisaged to make the maintenance easier, like the installation of a remote control system and a servo control to the neighbouring resource stations (in order to reduce the number stoppings due to network default).
The Sezia micro power station has been an object of demonstrational display in various regional trade fairs and has developed the highest interest not only among the local communities using similar resources but also with representatives of foreign countries.
The realization of the micro power station in a sensitive area as regards a natural living environment and unfavourable from an economic point of view, present drastic constraints which penalize the profitability of the project.
The water taken from the River Sezia for the twin-jet Pelton turbine is delivered by a 3. 25 km pipe and penstock and is discharged into Lake Sautet. Normally the turbine-generating unit will be in constant operation; during the dry summer months, however, the water will be reserved instead for irrigation purposes. The design parameters of the generating unit are;
- head 195 m
- flow 0. 7 m3/s
- output 1200 kW
- voltage 5500 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz.
The generator is of the asynchronous type and the electricity produced is to be sold to the local supply authority.
The water intake and the novel trash-rack grid are designed to restrict the flow of debris into the pipework and incorporate a flowmeter and a fish pass.


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Régime de financement

DEM - Demonstration contracts


Contribution de l’UE
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38350 CORPS

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