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Actions for Excellence in Smart Cyber-Physical Systems applications through exploitation of Big Data in the context of Production Control and Logistics


EXCELL foresees the collaboration of academics from 4 EU countries (HU, DE, UK, BE) in the multidisciplinary topic of Big Data Applications for Cyber-Physical Systems in Production and Logistics Networks. The main scientific and innovation focus of EXCELL was devised both from world-wide tendencies and local requirements (expressed by the regional S3), departing from the present competences of the cooperating partners (SZTAKI, Fraunhofer-FIT, Aston, and KU Leuven).
Main project actions focus on:
• Knowledge acceleration through transnational secondments and training sessions in 8 selected Priority Research Fields (PRFs) and 6 Complementary Skills,
• Supporting exploitation of research results and user-driven innovation,
• Augmenting scientific impact actions through key publications and active participation in the scientific discourse,
• Dissemination and sustainable innovation.
The 8 PRFs are: 1.Cyber-Physical Systems and Human System Interaction (responsible Fraunhofer), 2.Business-based Internet of Things and Services (resp. Fraunhofer), 3.Next-generation Authentication and Authorization Solutions (resp. KU Leuven), 4.Enhanced Context-aware Services (resp. KU Leuven), 5.Cognitive modelling and social networking approaches (resp. ASTON), 6.Data mining (resp. ASTON), 7.Data interoperability (resp. SZTAKI), 8.Tracking and tracing (resp. SZTAKI).
The Complementary Skills include: Technology transfer and results deployment to industry, Emotional intelligence, Motivating others, Personal impact, Stress management for managers, and Hands-on experience by using and contributing to software tools.
EXCELL activities are aligned towards 4 major types of impact: 1. Scientific impact, 2. Industry-driven innovation and technology transfer, 3. Sustainability and exploitation, 4. General and societal engagement, enabling strategic growth in both cross-sector and cross-regional cooperation, and sustainable scientific capabilities of all staff/institutions involved.


Net EU contribution
€ 317 875,00
1111 Budapest

See on map

Közép-Magyarország Budapest Budapest
Activity type
Research Organisations
Total cost
€ 317 875,00

Participants (3)