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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2022-12-23

Relation of Work-Related and Culture-Related Patterns of Cold Exposure to Large and Paradoxical Differences in Excess Winter Mortality within Europe


Overall mortality increases markedly in Winter in the FSU. Such Winter mortality in Western Europe has recently been shown to be largely associated With unexpected factors, particularly With coronary thrombosis following brief outdoor exposure to cold. our proposal is to investigate the factors responsible in 3 regions of Russia with extreme but varied patterns of climate (krasnoyarsk, Yakutia, M0sc0W) With further limited data from the Norilsk region. Regional mortality and climatic data Would be obtained from regional databases, and lifestyle and home heating data obtained by active surveys. Increases in three major cause-specific mortalities, and all-cause mortality, With given falls in environmental temperature, in each region, Would be analysed in relation to patterns of indoor and outdoor cold exposures. Separate data Will be analysed for pre- and post-retirement age gr0uPS and for men and Women. The analysis and other procedures Would conform to those being used for regions of Western Europe in the Eurowinter project. Data from the new regions Would be integrated With that of the West European regions included in the Eurowinter project to provide greatly improved Statistical power to the Eurowinter study, and specific local information.

Participating groups Would obtain daily cause-specific mortality and population data for each new region over a5 year period, for ischaemic heart disease; cerebrovascular disease; respiratory disease, and all causes, in each case in a Working and a post-retirement age group. They Would also obtain daily temperature and other climatic data and Would monitor field surveys in each region. These will provide data on home temperatures, work related and non work related cold exnosures outdoors, and clothing. We have already approached commercial market Survey organisations in the FSU Which are able to carrv out these
surveys. Since the FSU has an extreme range of environmental temperatures, combination of this data With the Eurowinter data Will add greatly to the overall analysis, as well as permitting regional analyses that can be used in planning targetted preventive measures in each region.

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CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Queen Mary and Westfield College
Contributo UE
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Mile End Road
E1 4NS London
Regno Unito

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Partecipanti (1)