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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2022-11-21

Research into the possibility of safe operation with radio-controlled overhead travelling cranes in the finishing shop


The purpose of the proposed research project is to identify situations in the finishing shop in which the crane can operate under remote control more safely than at present and, where this is possible, to find the most reliable and efficient working practice from the point of view both of the worker and of the work process.
The research results established the direct interventions to be adopted in order to guarantee safety conditions while manoeuvring an overhead travelling crane (OTC) with remote control (RC). They can be summed up as follows:
1 - the modification of the so-called 'Dead Man's Handle' (the device which prevents accidental operation),
2 - the institution of two successive licences for OTC operators
3 - boosting the educational system and carefully monitoring the training of new OTC operators,
4 - rigorous 'hands-on' aptitude tests for OTC operators,
5 - the decision of whether to work from the cabin or the ground during delicate operations was left to the operators' judgement,
6 - the creation of anatomical harnesses.
The research programme will comprise two stages corresponding to the two main objectives.

- Identification of the departments or operational sectors in which remote control can safely be used

To this end, the following aspects will be studied for every overhead travelling crane:

- technical characteristics;
- nature of operations (frequency, precision, risk);
- visibility requirements;
- types of accident.

An assessment will also be made of the conditions resulting from remote control (from ground level or elevated positions) with regard to:

- visibility;
- operational safety;
- implications for job content and workforce organization.

- Determination of the best working practices in safety and organizational terms for cranes identified as permitting reliable remote control.

If the research establishes that remote control is desirable in specific situations, it will be useful to carry out a further trial phase, installing the ground-level control system on at least one of the cranes selected. It will thus be possible to verify and refine the operating practices worked out in the second stage of the research.

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Viale B. Brin 171
05100 Terni

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