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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-07

Multimedia Environment for Mobiles


The main objective of MEMO is to develop a generic architecture for the provision of interactive multimedia services to mobile and portable terminals. The system will provide an asymmetrical bi-directional link combining a broadband downlink (based on DAB) and a low bitrate interactive link (based on GSM).
Two types of example services will be implemented:
applications from electronic publishing (newspaper, videotext), based on the HTML format, with strong interactive functionalites.
applications from the construction industries, featuring on-demand downloading of large amounts of data to user groups and collaborative work on the data.
Based on the experience with two generations of prototypes, user requirements studies and evaluation of user trials, MEMO will develop a generalised service model and both hardware and software platforms to implement a wide variety of interactive datacasting services where mobility is the key issue.
MEMO will contribute both to mobile multimedia technology and to interactive mobile multimedia services. The expected results are:
a) Technology
a harmonised pan-European infrastructure for mobile multimedia services with open and well-defined interfaces for service control and data submission and interworking between networks.
a standardised set of protocols for transmitting data on broadcast networks with and without an interactive channel
a set of APIs which will allow for steady improvement of the system modules (at network and terminal) when new requirements come up
specifications and prototype development of suitable human-computer interfaces for mobile operation of multimedia services including voice technologies
prototypes of terminals and network components to be used in service trials in France, Germany and Sweden.
b) Services
a detailed study of user requirements for interactive multimedia services in the publishing and construction industries
guidelines and design tools for implementation for mobile interactive services using an asymmetric radio link based on a generic service model and simulations
taxonomy/categorisation of user groups and services which are particularly relevant to the MEMO approach, based on comparisons with other technologies.
Expected Impact
For the first time, MEMO will offer mobile multimedia services. This will lead to improved working practice of construction engineers, information providers, etc. and create new types of information and entertainment services for end users. The return channel will allow for on-demand-services, collaborative work, and rapid feedback to service providers and other end-users.
A generalisation of these finding will impact on the fields of:
data security
interactive broadcasting
regulatory matters (convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications)
service prototyping methodologies
UMTS development.

MEMO System Architecture

Main contributions to the programme objectives:
Main deliverables
Functional Specification for integrated digital broadcasting and communications.
Contribution to the programme
Draws together broadcasting (DAB and DVB-T) and telecommunication technologies (GSM) to provide services ranging from Multimedia Broadcast to Personal Services.

Technical Approach
The Digital Audio Broadcasting System (DAB) wide band system (1.5 MHz) with data rates up to 1.8 Mbit/s, convolutional coding and OFDM modulation for reliable mobile reception will be used for downloading of data. This system is fully specified, consumer-type receivers are available. Generic functions can be provided for services, e.g. Access Control and terminal location.
GSM will be used for the interaction channel. Data transmission is now available on many networks providing a good coverage of relevant areas. The effective data rates may be low (< 9.6 kbit/s), but will be sufficient for the interaction channel. We expect to use full rate modems as soon as they are available.
Whilst data terminals will be based on PCs/ Laptops/PDA, Application Program Interfaces (APIs) will allow for easy adaptation to other application areas and for the implementation of additional functionalities.
Summary of Trial
The project will conduct two trials. For the first one (summer 1996), a small scale trial using an application from construction industries will be set up in the Rennes area (France), where an experimental DAB network is available. The trial will allow for on-demand downloading of large data sets through DAB initiated by a request sent via the GSM interaction channel. This will demonstrate the feasibility of the technical approach.
In a second project phase, the demonstrator will be extended to include the electronic publishing application. The architecture and the features of the overall system will be refined, especially with respect to:
specification of APIs between modules needed
using the interaction channel for collaborative work
solving security and addressibility issues
design of final trial and evaluation criteria.
A second series of trials will be conducted in the last phase of the project. The evaluation will provide evidence of:
performance of the major features of the system, i.e. secure and reliable downloading of data, inter-terminal working, addressibility of users, the data rates available for services
performance of the demonstrators (servers, networks, terminal)
performance of the application software.
Key Issues
The early implementation of mobile multimedia services by MEMO will provide a high data rate for broadcasting, an interaction channel and software for terminals. Demonstrations will be through examples from publishing and construction industries.
A single generic model of services and a unified technical solution (common APIs) will be developed. First generation demonstrator is available after the first project year.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Robert Bosch GmbH
EU contribution
No data
Robert-Bosch-Str. 200
31139 Hildesheim

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (19)