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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-16

Fire and associated toxic gaz release modelling, involving in particular chlorinated solvents


The objective is: to perform medium and large scale experiments and specify a 3-dimensional model to describe gas movement near the flame; to determine the speed of pyrolysis and combustion and production of toxic and corrosive products; to validate standard method and models; and to study the thermohydraulics of the flame and its radiation

Fire can be the cause of considerable damage to the plants themselves and to their environment due to mechanical, thermal and toxicologic effects (eg the fire at the SANDOZ plant in BALE). The MISTRAL project will supply the manager of potentially hazardous plants with qualified tools to prevent or mitigate fire consequences.

There are 7 main work programmes as follows.
Determination of data necessary to qualify fire and plume elevation codes.
Creation of the 3-dimensional code flamme 3.
Studies of the pyrolysis and combustion kinetics including laboratory tests which can be used to validate a model describing the rate of combustion and pyrolysis.
Standardized tests. Some experiments will be carried out on small and medium sized samples to standardize tests used in France, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Studies of toxic and/or corrosive combustion products. Several families of chemical products will be tested to deteminine the function of incident thermal flux and oxygen concentration on the release of noxious products. Results will be compared with large scale tests.
Atmospheric diffusion of aerosols and gas. The results will be used to qualify an existing code. The models take into account the deposition of solids and atmospheric diffusion of gas.
Study of the thermohydraulic and of radiation. The work will describe the combustion zone in different geometric configurations and will model the radiative properties of a diffusion flame on combusting surface.


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Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique (CEA)
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Centre d'Etudes de Fontenay-aux-Roses
92265 Fontenay-aux-Roses

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