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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2022-12-05

Further development of the database EC DB COST and collection of data from the decommissioning of nuclear installations


Task 4: Decommissioning masses Data on masses of a nuclear installation are important for the decommissioning planning works regarding strategy, scheduling, estimation of radiation exposure and costs. Because most of the specific cost values in the DB-COST are related to a mass it is useful to add the realistic masses of nuclear installations directly to the DB-COST. The development of the new part of the DB-COST, which will contain the data on masses, will be carried out by NIS. The collection of the decommissioning masses will be carried out by members of the DB-group.
Task 5: Minimization of radioactive waste The decommissioning costs are strongly influenced by the waste management costs and the DB-COST contains a part "decommissioning waste". This part will be extended regarding to the different national waste management strategies to find a relation between the waste management and the decommissioning cost and radiation exposure. The members of the DB-group analyse the national waste management policies. Task 6: Constitution of an European Usergroup For the European-wide use of the EC DB-COST a Usergroup will be constituted. In this connection a European DB-Network for the exchange of data and information will be established. In a first step the feasibilities, the technical possibilities and the costs of this network will be examined.
Task 7: Testing of the EC DB-COST The aim of the EC DB-COST is to support real decommissioning projects on cost and radiation exposure estimations for the planning of present and future decommissioning projects. In a testing period the application of the database will be checked.

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