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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-07



The European Educational Teleports Project (EETP) aims to upgrade European distance education for adult workers, through better coordination of resources. Teleports enable regional private and public training centres to offer telematics-based distance courses, counselling and technical services to company trainees and producers of course materials. EETP will link them in a network providing coordinated delivery to similar users in five countries. Smaller firms and companies with fast-evolving training needs, as well as local public development agencies, will be the main target groups.

Continuing education and training, being a strategic area for the economic development of EU industries, constitue also a powerful market - worth more of 30 billion ECU in the EU in 1994 - in which companies of every size and public administration invest at a continously faster pace to remain competitive in the global market. Information Technology's recent developments have demonstrated a growing impact on creating positive attitudes to technology-based and distance training. The rationale of the European Educational Teleports (EETP) Project is to be found on the idea of creating a Europe-wide market, overcoming the limits of the present approach to distance continuing education in Europe, such as poor transnational co-ordination, inadequate efforts to find homogeneous user populations; overemphasis on the technical side of services rather than on learning and economic effectiveness.

25 European Educational Institutions and company-based training providers in Italy, Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Finland are to design, experiment and evaluate a common European ground for continuing education services via the establishment and validation of a European network of Educational Teleports. In the concept of the Project, an Education Teleport is a Virtual Service Provider in which different organizations cooperate (via telematics) to provide a broad range of telematics-based learning and technical services to Learners and to producers of learning material. The services provided will include information, counselling, training materials (based on an appropriate mix of media), learner support, monitoring, evaluation and certification. In addition the Teleports will supply customer organizations (including producers of educational material) with organizational and methodological consultancy, training of tutors, trainers and managers, access to training facilities and equipment, customization of training products and service, delivery of learning materials and learner support.

The European network proposed by EETP will establish an homogeneous group of users in each of the 5 countries with the co-operation of many relevant user training institutions, in three main areas: SMEs operating in strategic sectors, Local Public Administrations dealing with socio-economic development supported with European resources; the Corporate sector in areas undergoing rapid technological change with a consequent requirement for human resource mobility and retraining. Service providers and user organization will be engaged in a common work for: analyzing user needs, defining the system functions, creating course contents, distribuiting them and evaluating both learning and economic results. Courses will be validated at transnational and national level on issues such as technological innovation, internationally-minded public administration, safety and other themes specified through an indepth field analysis. The Teleports will use an appropriate mix of media and technologies to deliver their services to end-users. These will include digital (satellite) and analog TV (for video and data broadcasting), the World Wide Web, electronic conferencing and e-mail, databases of learning materials. All Teleports will be linked over the Internet and via ISDN-based videoconferencing.

The final experimentation of the Teleport will involve more than 30 training centres and at least 800 end-users in the participating countries. A User Panel will review and validate all work at every stage. An exploitation plan will be elaborated at the end of the Project to reach larger audiences homogeneous to those participating in the validation phase. To contribute to a total user frendly approach to the distance learning experience, all technological services used in the Project will be based on standards, commercial technologies and infrastructures which are widely available in the Partners respective countries.. No heavy investment in technologies will be needed.. The products and standards used within the Project will be subject to regular review during the life of the project.

Call for proposal

Data not available


Trainet Spa
EU contribution
No data
Total cost
No data

Participants (8)