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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2022-12-05

Impact of the Accelerator Based Technologies on nuclear fission safety


The overall objective of the IABAT project is to make a European assessment of the possibilities of accelerator-driven hybrid reactor systems from the point of view of safe energy production, minimum waste production and transmutation capabilities. In particular:
1. to perform system studies on the accelerator-driven hybrid: - validation and development computer models and data to simulate these systems - qualifying the most important parameters to optimize
- studying the spallation target
- preliminary safety/risk assessments; determining reference scenarios forsevere accidents
- estimation environmental and economical impact of the ADS on the geologicalrepository of HLW
- preliminary economical assessments.
2. to assess the accelerator technology
3. to study the radiotoxicity of the fuel cycle for AD8 and its nonproliferatio aspects
4. to provide basic nuclear and material data for AD8 by means of evaluation and experiments
The final goal is to concentrate and coordinate different efforts from Member States to create the European scientific and technological basis for eventual further projects aimed at developing environmental-friendly, more publicaccepted and safer nuclear fission energy source. Models, tools, validated routines and some new experimental data for the future experimental activity on a larger scale will be the final results.
The project will result in the following benefits:
1. preparation of the platform for future analysis of very different nuclear power systems
2. the grounds for weighting the long-term low-level risks versus short term high-level risks for comparisons of geological repositories with transmutation facilities
3. preliminary economical assessment to prepare the grounds for the future decisions concerning eventual construction of acceleratordriven systems. Research in this field, if successful, can - unlikely fusion - in foreseeable time open the practically unlimited sources of energy, which has better odds to be accepted by general public. The present project, together with inter-coordinated projects in sub-area A.2.3. will provide some answers concerning the safety, environmental and economical benefits of introducing the accelerators into nuclear power production.

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24,Lindstetdsvaegen 24

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