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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-07

Investigation of design aspects and design options for wind turbines operating in complex terrain environments



The objective is to identify and quantify the influence of the complex terrain environment to the HAWT response (loading and power output), in an attempt to investigate existing and propose new, alternative, design aspects for individual components. It will integrate all relevant previous information with new data, aiming to cover the complete range of the state of the art design concepts and sizes, including stall, pitch, variable speed and soft yaw machines, operating at complex terrain sites in Europe and the USA.

Technical Approach

Detailed wind and machine loading measurements will be used to validate existing numerical models and identify their scope for predicting the complex-terrain-triggered particularities. A combined macro- and micro-wind characteristics experiment, in the vicinity of an existing instrumented machine, will provide added value to the project and permit a detailed cross-check and adaptation of the available numerical tools for wind and wind turbines in complex terrain. These tools and the large experimental data base will be used for the design aspects investigation to produce design guidelines for complex terrain WT operation.
The project involves the following steps:
- The complex terrain wind macro- and micro- characteristics, i.e. the full wind fetch (3D wind profile) and its turbulent characteristics (rotor wind structure) will be established through existing data, a large scale wind experiment, and wind modeling.
- The complex terrain wind macro- and micro- characteristics, will be correlated to the full WT response through existing data from Stall and Pitch WTs, new measurements on stall, pitch, variable speed, soft yaw and large size WTs (100kW - 1000kW), modeling, and design tools validation. - The major parameters of the system Wind-WT and understood in detail and the sensitivity of the system output (power, loads) to the system design parameters (design envelope of the machine) will be studied and quantified for representative wind conditions at a complex terrain environment. A parameter identification methodology will be used with the evaluation of the machine's performance sensitivity to the Wind-WT parameters. - Synthesis to determine, whether machines designed for flat terrains are suitable for complex terrains as well, and whether the complex terrain features can be faced by just trimming existing design concepts or if new design criteria are necessary for individual machines.

Expected Achievements and Exploitation

The combination of the measurement results (wind and machines) the application of the macro- wind modeling tools and their experimental verification; the application of the micro- wind modeling tools to establish the complex terrain turbulent wind structure; the application of the design/modeling tools on the machines involved in the project; and the application of the PI methodology to the wind-machine measurements with the guidance of the WT manufacturers, is expected to produce the full macro- and micro- complex terrain wind structure effects on the operation, the production and loading of wind turbines in complex terrains and to show any required machine design changes or adaptations. The project results will be made available to CEN/CENELEC to support the European Standards Work.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Marathonos Avenue, Km. 19

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (4)