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Content archived on 2024-05-27

Harmonisation of rules and design rationale


The process of harmonisation of damage stability regulations according to the probabilistic approach is currently undergoing scrutiny by various institutions and authorities before being proposed for adoption by IMO, with 2001 being the presently set target. However, ongoing investigations started revealing serious lack of robustness and consistency and more importantly a worrying lack of rationale in the choice of parameters that are likely to affect the evolution of the overall design and safety of ships. A recent application of existing tools by a committee of the relevant IMO working group (SDS-SLF) revealed that, before confidence in the whole process is irreversibly affected, concerted effort at European level must address the thorough validation of calculations, the proper choice of parameters and the definition of levels of acceptance before evaluating systematically the impact on the safety and design of ships.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data
Veritasveien 1
1322 HOVIK

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Total cost
No data

Participants (18)