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CORDIS - EU research results
Content archived on 2024-05-27

Workshop for Object OrIenTed Design and Development of embedded Systems


The AIT-WOODDES project will provide methodology, tools and contribution to standards used in the development of real time embedded systems. The focus will be set on process continuity between the industrial participants through international standards and interoperability of tools. Object oriented methods will contribute to component-based software engineering providing homogenous support for the development process. Validation concerns will be addressed by adapting available techniques and tools. AIT-WOODDES will demonstrate that real time embedded systems can be completely defined using the UML standard (Unified Modelling Language from the Object Management Group, OMG). AIT-WOODDES will significantly increase competitiveness in this emerging market by permitting large-scale reuse of components and closer cooperation between industrial partners.

The main objective of AIT-WOODDES is to improve design process, methods and tools to allow, from high level specification to implementation, an efficient and evolving definition of real time embedded systems. It is expected to reduce significantly time to market and costs as well as increase quality of end products. These goals will be reached by: ensuring continuity of the development process among the industrial participants that will be able to share the same information (models, data); intensive reuse of specifications and design models required by product drastic diversity, based on object oriented methods capabilities; formalisation and specialisation of UML real time standards; verification and validation of formal UML models; real time code generation for validation and production purposes; integration of results into existing industrial tools; dissemination of the new modelling standards and methodologies developed.

Work description:
Work to be done has been divided into five technical workpackages defined as follows :
WP1 : Common methodology.
WP1 aims to Identify real time concepts that must be expressed in the specifications of real time embedded systems, in the definition and standardisation of a UML profile dedicated to real time embedded systems modelling and allowing for model exchange among different participants and modelling stages, in the definition of a conceptual process that can ensure the continuity of the application models during the whole development cycle among all the actors;
WP2 : Tools interaction mechanisms. This work-package aims at the definition of a platform which supports the process and methodology allowing for model exchange amongst the various tools, ad the definition of extensions for tools to support export and import of models via a standard text format;
WP3 : Validation of real time systems. WP3 aims to adapt methods and techniques developed during WP1 to AIT-WOODDES UML real time models. Role an semantics of the several kinds of validations will be defined previously by the conceptual processes provided in WP1;
WP4 : Case studies. WP4 will Validate the use of UML real-time profiles by selecting realistic application examples, Validate the AIT-OODDES methodology by application modelling, model exchanging, prototyping implementation and validation at all stages, adapt the code generators according to the experiment platform requirements, and implementation objectives, assess the use of UML in the AIT-WOODDES development process for real-time embedded systems;
WP5 : Exploitation. Each partner will prepare a Technology Implementation Plan according to its role in the project, and a project TIP will be developed in collaboration with partners, to define joint actions on the marketing of the benefits of AIT-WOODDES technology to potential users throughout Europe.

T0+06 : End users requirements o, modelling, selected application case, Web site creation;
T0+12 : Application specified, preliminary reports on methodology and process, specification of tools required and exchange forma;t
T0+18 : UML profile to OMG, definition of tools capabilities extensions;
T0+24 : Initial assessment of the methodology, toolset extensions, formal verifier, simulator, test generator, code generation improvements, back animation;
T0+30 : Validated application prototype;
T0+36 : Guidelines "UML based methodology for real time embedded systems", Final reports on the processes definition after validation and evaluation on the test cases and on the WOODDES methodology for.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

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Total cost
No data

Participants (7)