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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-21

On the threshold to urban panopticon? analysing the employment of closed-circuit television (cctv) in european cities and assessing its social and political impacts


Since more than ten years it can be observed a rapid proliferation of video surveillance systems (closed-circuit television - CCTV) in many European countries. Supporters of this social control technology claim it to be an effective instrument in combating crime and thus, in enforcing and maintaining social order. Opponents fear its misuse and believe CCTV to be a potential threat to the democratic constitution of European societies. The aim of the proposed project is to study the employment of CCTV in public accessible spaces in order to analyse and assess its social effects and political impacts - their common trends and national differences. The outcomes of the project will contribute to the formulation of guidelines for a regulation of CCTV meeting both the demands for efficient and suitable employment and the claims for effective and accountable control.

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