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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2022-12-23

Strings, branes and higher-spin gauge fields


String Theory provides a successful perturbative description of gravitational interactions that is free of the usual ultraviolet divergences of field theories including a finite number of massless fields of spin less than or equal to 2, and thus forms the natural basis of current attempts to unify all the fundamental interactions. This setting, however, is incomplete, and the inclusion of non-perturbative effects requires, besides strings, additional extended objects (branes) of different dimensions. Duality relations (together with superymmetry) simplify this complicated picture to some extent, linking the different ten-dimensional superstring theories to one another and to an elusive 11-dimensional theory provisionally called M-theory, whose low-energy dynamics is governed by the supergravity model of Cremmer, Julia and Scherk. This proposal is centered on a number of related efforts aimed at achieving a better understanding of String/M-theory dynamics, in particular trying to elucidate the properties of higher-spin gauge fields.

Our main research tasks are related to the extension of the known results for higher-spin gauge fields to d>4 and to the investigation of a number of other related topics, ranging from generalizations of the AdS/CFT correspondence, in particular to cases without space-time supersymmetry, to non-commutative Yang-Mills theory, to the construction of open-string vacua with and without supersymmetry, and to the dynamics of massive string modes, both by space-time and world-sheet techniques. All the initial tasks we have listed are very likely to be achieved within the proposed periods, and will provide a sound basis to move toward the following subtasks. The following subtasks, and the very lines of the corresponding research, will often require the development of new techniques, and in some cases are somewhat harder, and less likely to be brought to full completion. The corresponding developments can only be partly foreseen at this stage, but are likely to allow interesting applications to a number of related problems in Quantum Field Theory.

Appel à propositions

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Régime de financement

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Universita di Roma
Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 1
00133 Rome

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Participants (12)