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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-27

Effects of drifting algal mats on meiobenthic communities


The project will consist basically of an evaluation of the effects of drifting algal mats on coastal fauna of the regions where these algae become stagnant and/or sink. It will consist on the evaluation atmeiobenthic level, given that the effects of drifting algae on the macrofauna have already been valuated by the hosting team.

The research objectives are:
1. Evaluate the effect of changes on the macrofaunal community due to drifting algal mats on the neiofauna. Evaluation of the interactions between macro- and meiofauna as a result of drifting algae;
2. Effect of hypoxia induced by drifting algae on the meiobenthic community. Monitoring of meiofaunal recovery after stress induced by drifting algae;
3. Changes in the harpacticoid copepod community as a result of drifting algae. Species exchange between local seaweed or seagrass and drifting algae. Colonization of drifting algae by harpacticoids and implications of the algae to harpacticoid copepod dispersal.4. Effects of changes in the harpacticoid copepod community (as a recognised food source for juvenile fish) on the food selection and -consumption of juvenile flounder inhabiting the same areas. The applicant will receive exhaustive training on experimental research and meiofaunal ecology. Given that the applicant is one of the few researchers working with meiofauna in Spain at the moment and is gaining expertise in taxonomic skills on harpacticoid copepods, which are a neglected component of benthic research in this country, further work on the subject will re-affirm her knowledge and allow her to plan and develop innovative projects in her country of origin. Especially the applicant will learn to undertake microcosm experimental work and microcosm creating techniques, together with analysis of experimental data. The host institution will cover further areas of their research comprising the whole spectrum of invertebrate and fish fauna which is affected by drifting algae.

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