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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-16

24 heures de recherche


The project consists in drawing various portraits of researchers for the public, especially for the young public, to discover what the researcher's work consists in, to get a better idea of his role in European research nowadays. Our objective is to prese nt different images of the researcher in a series of short documentaries. The program focuses on the diversity of profiles (men, women, young, experienced researchers) together with the diversity of situations, places and goals linked to research. Eventual ly, it aims at showing the European dimension of research, the mobility, the cooperation, international teams and European centres. A selective choice of researchers will be made for the series to be as attractive, convincing and meaningful as can be. We h ave planned to choose ongoing communicative personalities who know how to share their interest in science and their work to the viewer. The series will focus on research projects dealing with major goals for today's society and in particular in the priorit y areas of the 6th Framework Program. The film wishes to contribute to the European Union objective to benefit from abundant and well trained human resources and to help reinforcing the European research area. Besides, the series will help to stimulate th e interest of young people for science and researchers' lives. And hopefully, by giving young people the taste for scientific training and careers, new vocations will be discovered and the number of researchers in Europe will increase. The film wishes also to contribute to the evolution of mentalities as for the equality of chance between men and women by showing the place of women in the research and their perspective of career. Finally, the portraits will contribute to promote European career in research and show the aim of a policy in favour of mobility, the competitiveness of European research and the efficiency of the European research area.

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