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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-05-29

Eliminating Waste and Boosting Productivity in Transnational Technology Transfer


The IRC (Innovation Relay Centres) network has been operating for 10 years. Although the IRC has established itself as the most important tool in Europe for Transnational Technology Transfer (TTT), there are still issues that remain to be improved, such as the cost efficiency of achieving TTT agreements.

The objectives of the LeanTTT project is to improve efficiency in the IRC network so it can fulfil its overall objectives which is to provide cost-effective TTT services to improve competitiveness in local industry through innovation, and thereby, stimulate the creation of new companies and new jobs. The objective of the LeanTTT project is to develop a methodology to make best use of new and available IRC practices and to reduce unnecessary or excessive activities in the TTT process.

The LeanTTT will develop a methodology based on the world famous Toyota Production System (TPS, lean production) to measure and improve productivity, lead-time and quality in the TTT process. Using available tools, value-adding and non value-adding operations (waste) will be identified with the purpose of minimising or eliminating wastes in the TTT process. Thus a step-by-step program of improving productivity and reducing lead-time will be developed. The LeanTTT project will initiate at least 25 such continuous improvement projects.

The LeanTTT project will develop a comprehensive methodology for improving overall efficiency, speed and quality of the TTT process using Lean techniques. The method will be implemented and tested in at least 10 IRCs. A learning package will also be developed that will enable all IRCs and other network players working with TTT to implement a more efficient process and to adopt a culture of continuous improvements.

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