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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
Contenu archivé le 2024-06-16

Industrial Stimuli for the HarmonisaTion of EuropeAn Research in the area of Location Based Services


The main objective of the ISHTAR SSA project is to contribute towards the harmonisation of technologies, services/applications, and standardisation efforts in the field of Location Based Services (LBS). Moreover, the project will aim to facilitate and promote the exploitation of existing and emerging relevant expertise and practices.

One of the main reasons of the slowness of the geo-location market is the lack of harmonisation between users expectation, available technologies, and maturity of the LBS industry. The market is today characterized by a strong US technical dominance and the EU industries, though obviously IT competent is too spread in various heterogeneous technical solutions, preventing a EU LBS success story. ISHTAR's objectives will enable to foster and harmonize LBS initiatives of key players, thus promoting the European excellence in the mobility domain, and helping to build a convergent solution.

The main objectives/results of the ISHTAR project are:
- To identify and report on knowledge and expertise gaps particularly in terms of technological interoperability in the field of LBS at European level.
- Contribution to the harmonisation of LBS standardisation efforts.
- To derive a pan-European map of expertise in the field of Location Based Services and relevant technologies.
- To propose a five-year R&D roadmap for future R&D activities in the field.

The ISHTAR consortium brings together significant expertise in the LBS and mobile applications sector. The consortium partners are key members in 4 ongoing IST R&D projects targeting the "Applications and Services for the Mobile User and Worker" IST Strategic Objective, namely LIAISON, MobileIN, SHARE, POMPEI.

Appel à propositions

Data not available

Régime de financement

SSA - Specific Support Action


Contribution de l’UE
Aucune donnée
1020 WIEN

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Coût total
Aucune donnée

Participants (5)