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Organic Optoelectronic Device


This program targets the development of novel porphyrin-based organic light-harvesting materials exhibiting satisfactory solubility, physical and electrochemical properties and light conversion efficiency. Fabrication of stable organic solar device with up to 5 % power conversion efficiency will be pursued. It builds directly upon the world leadership in organic polymer based solar cells of Linz institute for organic solar cells (LIOS) and the applicant’s professional expertise in synthesis of porphyrin and highly conjugated compounds for light-harvesting application. A synthetic strategy addressed in the project is the combination of porphyrin and appropriate co-absorber in a form of triazine derivatives to achieve extensive light-harvesting ability throughout visible spectrum. Effects of porphyrin-co-absorber linkers, attachment sites, central metal on the porphyrin ring and solubilizing groups on the photoactivity of the compounds will be investigated to optimize the molecular structure and functionality. In order to reach the proposed goal, the project will bring together the established expertise of the project participants in the development of organic light harvesters, photophysical and photochemical characterization of such materials and reel to reel device fabrication and optimization. The achievement of the project objectives will establish the potentiality of this technology to achieve a step change to higher organic photovoltaic device efficiency and economically reasonable and environmentally friendly production process.

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Wkład UE
€ 169 094,27
4040 Linz

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Westösterreich Oberösterreich Linz-Wels
Rodzaj działalności
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Kontakt administracyjny
Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci (Prof.)
Koszt całkowity
Brak danych