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Content archived on 2024-05-30

Diesel Powerpack for a Light Helicopter Demonstrator

Final Report Summary - HIPE AE 440 (Diesel Powerpack for a Light Helicopter Demonstrator)

Executive Summary:
The Green Rotorcraft ITD program that supported Airbus Helicopters’ research project is part of the Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative, which is Europe’s most ambitious aeronautical research program ever. Clean Sky’s goal is to develop breakthrough technologies that significantly increase environmental performance of the air transport sector, resulting in quieter and more fuel efficient aircraft and rotorcraft. Environmental targets of Clean Sky are to reduce specific fuel consumption by 30 percent, CO2 emissions by 40 percent and NOx by 53 percent.
HIPE AE 440 high-compression piston engine activity began in 2011, followed by company bench tests and system simulations, including Iron Bird successful tests in February 2014. Ground runs with the H120-equipped helicopter were performed during February and March of this year, leading to the first flight on Friday, November 6th, at Marignane Airport. Development Partners for this HIPE AE 440 high compression engine Project within Clean Sky are TEOS Powertrain Engineering and AUSTRO ENGINE GmbH.

Project Context and Objectives:
The green rotorcraft ITD addressed the challenge of minimising the impact of the sharply increasing rotorcraft traffic expected in the future - including the introduction of tilt-rotors - through a more efficient usage of energy and through a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and noise footprints throughout the whole mission spectrum. With the goal to contribute to the overall objective of coming back within 20 years to the present global level of environmental impact while sustaining the expected growth of rotorcraft services, the Clean Sky initiative aims to reduce by half, within the next 10 years, the specific impact of rotorcraft operations on the environment. In detail, taking into account year 2000 as baseline, the objectives of the GRC ITD and concurrent activities in other Clean Sky ITDs are to reduce CO2 emissions by ~40% and NOx emissions by ~65%, according to vehicle and technologies used.

Project Results:
Technological Benefits
Lower fuel consumption (-30% Specific fuel consumption)
Reduction of emissions (-40% CO2)
Reduced direct operating costs by up to 30%
Increased distances can be covered with the same amount of fuel (~doubled)
Technical Data
Uses Kerosene
Common rail high pressure injection (1800 bar)
Turbocharger with air/air intercooler
Core Engine Mass (dry): 197 kg/ Installed Powerpack: 249kg
Power output (@MGB inlet): 330kW up to 2500m and ISA+20°C
March 2013 First engine tests
Nov 2013 – Feb 2014 Iron bird tests
Feb 2015 First successful ground tests
6th Nov. 2015 First flight test

Potential Impact:
Having a look on the global development activities in this field of aviation engines shows that, in the near future major, efforts will be put into the performance area of the small turbine engines. In particular the development should provide engines with high power at low fuel consumption and low weight.
HIPE AE 440 engine fits perfectly in this area and it is obvious that, with this project, a trend setting for future aviation engines for the general aviation and helicopter section was generated. So Europe capitalises on their assets and keeps paving the way in high performance engines.
As the proposed engine was developed and manufactured only in Europe and as all suppliers were also located in Europe, it is obvious, that all benefits of the project results remained in Europe. The main benefits were the generation of high qualified jobs in Europe. During the development of the HIPE AE 440 engine, more than 20 jobs were generated within the project partner companies and having an outlook to the serialization shows that a generation of more than 60 jobs can be expected within the project partner companies and the engine parts suppliers companies. During the development of the engine in addition know how was generated in Europe how to develop and operate such an engine.
All together the proposed engine is a significant step forward towards introduction of high performance low fuel consuming engines in the European and worldwide sky.
Environmental Impact
HIPE AE 440 engine solution provides a significant reduction in fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Especially in all areas where small turbo shaft engines are present today HIPE AE 440 engine solution with its low power to weight ratio of 0.7 kW/kg in future will be a true possibility to substitute the existing bad efficiency engines for less dependence on fossil fuels.
Due to the use of JET fuel a significant impact on the lower powered fixed wing market is given. Within this market reciprocating engines using AVGAS fuel are still in majority present. AVGAS is a leaded fuel type with all the disadvantages of leaded fuel for the environment and human health. With the HIPE AE 440 engine solution also a possibility is given to substitute these AVGAS engines.
Marketing studies have shown that there were several opportunities to install the HIPE AE 440 engine in existing helicopters and fixed wing aircrafts. In addition to these existing products the new aviation engine will be a door opener in a fixed wing aircraft market, which is presently served by turbo shaft engines.
The market potential analyses of sold Helicopters and fixed wing aircrafts in the past gave an idea of possible customers, respectively possible engine needs, in future which are counted with approximately 250 engines per year starting with 2019.
Dissemination and/or exploitation & management of intellectual property
Above mentioned impacts make it evident that after the successful completion of the Clean Sky project a further serial development might be planned.
In a first step the prototype results are incorporated in further engine testing. The power increase program started to achieve the goal of 0,6 kg/kW. In parallel, the knowledge out of the Clean Sky project will be used for an additional redesign thus the serial TBO target under consideration of the acceptable recurring costs can be met.
The final assembly was shared between Mecachrome and Austro Engine whereas it is planned that the final assembly will be done under the POA of Mecachrome in case of engines for helicopter application and under the POA of Austro Engine in case of engine for fixed wing application.

List of Websites:;
Jean Francois NICOLINO -
Managing Director
TEOS Powertrain Engineering
39 avenue des trois peuples 78180 Montigny-le-bretonneux
Tel: +33 1 30 13 20 59 / mob: +33 6 09 92 40 61;
Head of Projectmanagement/ Deputy CTO
Austro Engine GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 11
A-2700 Wiener Neustadt
phone: +43 (0) 2622 - 23000 - 2806