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Content archived on 2024-04-30

High fire performance wood products


The network operation has resulted in a large number on new co-operation activities between the partners: - During the network period 15 national/international new projects have been initiated (fire performance, durability, new product & methods). - Around 20 new partnerships in business and research have been established.
In the Final Seminar the ideas for future extended organisation of the High Fire Performance Wood Products Network were launched and discussed. Around 30 parties, 20 representing industry and 10 involved in research, have expressed their interest in co-operation.
Three types of seminars were organised for information dissemination: - Network meetings were scheduled as seminars: presentation of latest research results and case studies, lectures by invited experts; and planning of future activities. - At national level partners were active either arranging specific seminars on FR wood performance or they taking part into relevant seminars to give presentation or distribute posters on the HIFI topics. - A final seminar “Fire Protection of Timber - Opportunities for Improved Fire Safety with Fire Retarded Wood” was arranged in London (February 2002) to summarise the outcome of the network activities. Presentations on fire performance of FR wood products, durability, environmental aspects, case studies, regulatory views and future plans were included.
The web site is an end user oriented information channel with the following contents: Final Seminar presentations, Join HIFI, Why Flame Retarded Wood, Case Studies, Flame Retardants, FR Products & Markets, FAQs & Enquiries, Building Fires & FR's, Regulations & Test methods, Environmental aspects, HIFI Network and Contacts. It includes more than 100 pages of FR wood related information and 200 slides of the Network Final Seminar presentations. The aim of the HIFI public pages is to give basic information and examples of successful application to educate end-users and thus promote use of fire retarded wood. The target group of this information is the end-users such as architects, designers, building companies, building inspectors, fire brigades, etc.
Published information includes: A. Articles on following topics: fire performance of FR wood products, durability of FR wood, service life prediction (see Reference list below) B. Final Seminar presentations are available also in CD format - Hovde, P. J.: Needs for service life prediction of passive fire protection systems. Proceedings, 8th International Fire Science and Engineering Conference (Interflam 1999), Edinburgh, Scotland, 29. June-1.July 1999, pp. 477-488. - Ostman, B., Voss, A., Hughes, A., Hovde, P. J. and Grexa, O.: Durability of fire retardant treated wood products at humid and exterior conditions. Review of literature. Fire and Materials, Vol. 25, 2001, pp. 95-104. - Kristoffersen, B., Hovde, P. J. and Steen Hansen, A.: Optimization of fire retardant treated wood products. 7th International Conference and Exhibition Fire and Materials 2001, San Francisco, California, USA, 22.-24. January 2001, pp. 173-184. - Ostman, B. and Tsantaridis, L.: Durability of FR wood at exterior and humid applications - Initial studies. Proceedings, 9th International Fire Science and Engineering Conference (Interflam 2001), Edinburgh, Scotland, 17-19 September 2001, pp. 89-99. - Mantanis, G. and Tsantaridis, L.: FR treated wood. Wood-furniture 164/62-65, 1998 (in Greek). - Koukos, P.: High Fire Perfomance Wood Products. Technografima, 1st June 2000 (in Greek). - Kristoffersen, B.: Reaction to fire properties of FR treated spruce with varying amount of FR treatment. SINTEF Report STF22 A 00840, SINTEF Civil and Environmental Engineering, Norwegian Fire Research Laboratory, Trondheim, Norway, August 2000 (In Norwegian). - Tungvag, A.: FR treated wood as a surface material. Evaluation of reaction to fire properties. Diploma Report, NTNU Dept.of Building and Construction Engineering, Trondheim, Norway, December 2000 (In Norwegian).

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