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Content archived on 2023-03-20

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Fundación CARTIF showcased DIRECTION @ PTEC

Spanish construction technology platform, PTEC, held its 3rd open forum on R&D and innovation for cities of the future in Valladolid last 17 September.

As a member of PTEC, Fundación CARTIF co-manages a work group on R&D and innovation strategies for city renovation ensuring these are in line with Horizon 2020. Alongside other members including Valladolid municipality, Fundación CARTIF delivered PTEC’s third open debate forum on 17 September in Valladolid. The forum hosted a plenary conference followed by a round table on R&D and innovation for cities of the future. This round table was co-coordinated by Sergio Sanz from Fundación CARTIF who provided delegates with background information and the latest feedback from the DIRECTION project. At the event, the spotlight was on the Spanish Strategy 2013-2020 and the European programme Horizon 2020, as well as on initiatives and challenges specific to Spain for urban renovation and development. PTEC members presented updates and feedback on a range of cross-cutting initiatives and eight out of the forty R&D ongoing or finished projects in which PTEC members are involved were presented. One of those showed cases was DIRECTION. Fundación CARTIF’s membership of the PTEC construction technology platform is undoubtedly instrumental in ensuring sound dissemination channels for DIRECTION within Spain and beyond.


Energy Efficiency, Buildings, Zero Energy Buildings


Germany, Spain, Italy