Novel Education and Training Tools
The scope on this topic encompasses the development of new digital based methods to educate and train undergraduate and graduate students but also technical workforce on FCH technologies and fundamental processes behind. The e-learning concept shall include new methods based on figurative language and representations to explain detailed physical and mathematical principles and FCH technique in its complex structure. Opportunities to support conventional student lessons shall be included as well as concepts for successful self-studies.
The needed IT-structure shall be built on a web-based e-learning platform backed by open access software, and shall provide free access as a minimum during project lifetime. As several e-learning platforms, databases and digital education material already exist, the e-learning platform shall link others and include comprehensive information on educational and scientific activities in FCH-thematic area to profit from. In addition, user interfaces shall be envisaged to ex
Education and training in the fuel cells and hydrogen sector is critical for the current and future workforce and thereby supports indirectly the commercialisation of the technology. Knowledgeable and capable workforce that understands the functioning of both technology and underlying fundamental processes, but knows also about obstacles and technological restrictions, is essential for successful development, planning and implementation of FCH plant and system technology. Apart from conventional education and training methods, education and training on FCH technology and its fundamental processes should turn towards digital based e-education and e-training methods, which become more and more used fruitful and successful in modern education methods. In addition, e-science practised by modelling and simulation of very different technological problems and issues is increasing over the past years and knowledge, and results originated by modelling and simulation are available via digital means and should be tra
- Development of new digital based methods and concepts to educate and train engineers and technicians on FCH technologies
- Inclusion of figurative language and representations to support and/or explain detailed physical and mathematical principles behind the technologies (e.g. thermodynamics of hydrogen behaviour, electrochemical behaviour of fuel cells)
- Inclusion of digital opportunities to transpose self-study on FCH technologies on different levels
- Inclusion of virtual practicing measures to educate and motivate candidates, e.g. e-learning by doing (e.g. through virtual practicing and simple demonstration tools)
- Interconnections with already existing e-learning platforms and digital training materials (e.g. digital lessons scripts, digital training materials, databases to specific data)
- Provision of freely accessible e-learning platform (e.g. web-based) implementing education and training methods and concepts developed based on open access