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Specific programme (EEC) for the dissemination and utilization of scientific and technological research results (VALUE), 1989-1993

Part of the Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (1987-1991) under subactivity 8.4.: "Dissemination and utilization of S/T research results", the VALUE programme aims to intensify and update efforts towards utilizing, protecting and disseminating the results of Community RTD activities and to harmonize and reorganize the existing networks for disseminating information.

The VALUE contact and support network provides CEC research contractors with access to a broad range of services both inside and outside the Commission. The heart of this network is VALUE's confidential database system, SCREEN, for which information is gathered directly from contractors to assist them in the dissemination and exploitation of their research results while respecting the need to protect their legitimate interests.

CEC Research contractors are free to request VALUE support from the day their contract is signed with the Commission. Owners of RTD findings resulting from research carried out under a Community programme may make an exploitation proposal for various types of assistance (consultants and experts, production of prototypes or trials, knowledge and technology transfers, promotional activities).

The Community Research and Development Information Service, CORDIS, is part of the VALUE programme under subprogramme I, action line 1. Eight CORDIS databases have been launched since 1990, accessible free of charge on an experimental basis via the ECHO host in Luxembourg.
To promote the effective dissemination and utilization of the results of Community Research and Technological Development (RTD) activities and to create, for this purpose, a common integrated computer communications network between European research centres.
Two subprogrammes:

- Dissemination and utilization of the results of Community RTD activities:
To disseminate, by appropriate channels, the results of Community RTD activities so as to ensure an improvement in the level of exploitation and the resulting creation of economic activities. Action lines:
. Collection and dissemination of information on existing or planned Community RTD programmes using appropriate methods and means (computerized databases, electronic information services, information and dissemination centres in the Member States, editing and distribution of printed matter);
. Identification, characterization and screening of the results of Community RTD activities to establish their suitability for dissemination or exploitation (by examining contracts and reports, assessing scientific/technical and utilization potential, examining the need for protection by means of patents);
. Action on legal protection of results (recourse to selected patent agents/advisers, examining reports to ensure confidentiality and protection before publication, assisting contractors and inventors, information/awareness activities);
. Dissemination of results which do not require protection (publications, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, targeted dissemination services, databases and associated services, short-term secondment of research workers, collaboration with Member States in setting-up dissemination mechanisms);
. Promotion of the exploitation of relevant results (assessing their exploitation potential, providing expert advice in the setting up and planning of exploitation projects, assisting in matters of legal and technical protection, exhibitions, assisting in finding partners for joint ventures or work under licence, providing financial and technical support for developing laboratory prototypes for collaborative precompetitive use, advising participants in finding third party financial support);

- Computer communications networks:
To promote a common integrated computer communications infrastructure and associated services accessible to public and private research centres in Europe. Action lines:
. General support for the development of computer communications networks in the RTD field (technical assistance and support to the RARE association, particularly its pan-European projects in the message-handing and file-transfer areas, to the implementation of the EUREKA COSINE project, and to Member States wishing to develop or adapt networks for the purpose of t his programme);
. Work on requirements for confidentiality and integrity of Community RTD information.
The Commission is responsible for the implementation of the programme, assisted by a Committee of an advisory nature composed of representatives from the Member States and chaired by a Commission representative. It will apply the accumulated experience and best practice of both European and international experts.

Activities under the programme are implemented by means, inter alia, of contracts for studies and services to be carried out on behalf of the Commission. In the case of shared-cost contracts, the Community may bear up to 50% of total expenditure or, where universities and research institutes are involved, up to 100% of the marginal costs. Invitations to tender (either open or restricted) are published, where appropriate, in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

Implementation may also take the form of support for existing European cooperation networks. The Commission may also nominate bodies as its correspondents for local promotion of the programme in Member States or regions where the necessary infrastructure needs to be developed.

The Commission is authorized to negotiate, after consultation with the Council, agreements with third countries taking part in European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST) with a view to associating them wholly or partially with the programme.

The Commission will review results of the programme during the first half of the third year of implementation and submit a report to the Council and the European Parliament. At the end of the programme it will submit to these same bodies a report on the results achieved.