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Medium-term guidelines (ECSC) "Technical coal research", 1975-1980

Pursuant to Article 55 of the Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), the Commission is required to promote technical and economic research relating to the production and increased use of coal. Community financial assistance has been granted to this end since 1958 and medium-term guidelines have been laid down periodically since 1967. The funds for this aid are derived from levies imposed on the production of coal and steel as provided for in Article 49 of the ECSC Treaty.

This third set of medium-term guidelines for technical coal research (Official Journal No C 60 of 25.5.1974) was worked out in collaboration with the Coal Research Committee (CRC) composed of representatives of coal producers, coal research institutes, universities and trade unions in the Community.

The main thrust of the 1975-80 medium-term guidelines was as follows:

- To concentrate efforts on those fields in which concrete results could be most quickly displayed;
- To harmonize research;
- To facilitate the identification of those applications for assistance which relate to essentially practical developments;
- To select the most important projects for Commission financial support.

To improve output and productivity, taking into account the wide variety of coal deposits; to improve the upgrading and utilization of the products and by-products of coal mining; and to improve the working environment, safety and environmental protection.

Five sectors and fields:

- Operations underground:
. Coal measures;
. Development work;
. Methane studies, climatic problems, rock pressure and supports;
. Methods of working and techniques of coal-getting;
. Outbye services underground;
. Telecommunication, monitoring, remote control and automation;
. Safety and accident prevention;
. New technology;

- Operational management and planning:
. Organization and management;
. Planning and control of operation;

- Product benefication:
. Mechanical coal preparation;
. Cooking and briquestting of coal;
. New chemical and physical processes;

- Utilization of coal:
. Electricity generation;
. New fields of utilization;
. Marketing;

- Harmful effects (environmental):
. Measures against air pollution;
. Water purification;
. Noise control.

Financial assistance for individual research projects was granted by the Commission with the assent of the Council after consultation with the ECSC Consultative Committee made up of representatives of the coal and steel industry from each Member State.

As a general rule, the Commission contributed approximately 60% of the estimated total cost of financing the projects. All enterprises, research institutes and individuals wishing to engage in research relating to the fields outlined in the 1975-80 medium-term guidelines for coal research aid were eligible to apply. Applications were to be submitted before 1 February 1975 for the year 1975, and subsequently before 1 September of each year to be effective in the following year. The procedures to be followed in applying, the terms and conditions of aid, as well as the obligations relating to the dissemination of research results were set out in the Official Journal No C 139 of 12.11.1974.