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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Marine Biodiversity as Sustainable Resource of Disease-Suppressive Microbes and Bioprotectants for Aquaculture and Crop Diseases


Meeresbiodiversität als Ressource für natürliche antimikrobielle Substanzen

Bioprospektion erkundet, inwieweit sich biologische Ressourcen wie Mikrobiome und natürliche Substanzen aus Mikroben zur Behandlung von Krankheiten eignen. Schwerpunkt sind nun spezifische Wirt-Mikroben-Wechselwirkungen bei Meeresschwämmen, Mikroalgen und Fischen. In einem ökologisch orientierten Ansatz sucht das EU-finanzierte Projekt MARBLES mittels Bioprospektion nach antibakteriellen bioaktiven Wirkstoffen in Mikrobiomen und analysiert, welche wirts- und mikrobenderivierten chemischen Substanzen die Produktion dieser natürlichen bioaktiven Inhaltstoffe stimulieren. Dies wird mikrobielle Gemeinschaften und bioaktive natürliche Substanzen sowie Derivate und Elizitoren gegen Infektionskrankheiten enthüllen, die für den agrochemischen Sektor, Aquakulturen und auch die Medizin relevant sein könnten. Zudem kann eine nachhaltige Produktion natürlicher antimikrobieller Substanzen die Fischproduktion steigern, Wildbestände schonen und den Fokus hin zu biobasierten bzw. zirkulären Strategien verlagern.


MARBLES will use a novel and systematic approach to access and exploit marine microbial biodiversity for sustainable bioprospecting to discover microbial consortia and bioactive molecules for application in aqua- and agriculture and in the clinic. MARBLES' ecology-based bioprospecting strategy will focuses on unique host-microbe interactions in marine environments, including marine sponges, microalgae and fish, which rely on their microbiomes and microbial natural products for disease resistance. Partners’ existing microbial collections and new ones generated during MARBLES will be harnessed for the discovery of novel natural products and synthetic microbial communities. For this, MARBLES will use a systems-wide genomics approach to uncover the bioactive agents in disease-suppressive microbiomes. Also, MARBLES will explore host- and microbe-derived chemicals that elicit production of bioactive compounds, as elicitors to revitalise drug screening. The deliverables will be microbes and consortia and bioactive natural products, their derivatives and elicitors, which can be harnessed to fight infectious diseases in the agrochemical and aquaculture industries and in healthcare.
Besides highly innovative, the approaches will be cost-effective and will offer advantages from both environmental and health perspectives in comparison to existing alternatives. The sustainable production of bioprotectants will increase the effectiveness of fish production - reducing the pressure on harvesting wild fish - and aid the transition of the crop agriculture sector towards bio-based and circular solutions. MARBLES will work closely together with a panel of SMEs and large companies from the EU aquaculture, crop protection biotechnology and health sectors. MARBLES fully complies with the Nagoya and Cartagena Protocols, and aims to make major contributions to the UN sustainable development goals, SDG 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14, as well as to current UN processes (BBNJ, DSI, SynBio)

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