Die Politik des Japaners Masao Maruyama
Masao Maruyama (1914–1996) war ein führender japanischer Politiktheoretiker, der mit seinem Werk wesentlich zur Geschichte des politischen Denkens in Japan beitrug. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FPMMCPT ist die erste umfassende, vergleichende Studie zu diesem Wissenschaftler, in dessen Arbeitsschwerpunkt politische Theorie, globale Ideengeschichte, Japanologie und Ostasienwissenschaften standen. Das Projekt wird eine zeitgemäße Neubetrachtung von Maruyama als Theoretiker des politischen Scheiterns durchführen und sein Werk mit anderen politischen Denkerinnen und Denkern vergleichen. Dieses von der Universität Aarhus ausgerichtete Projekt wird auf der Debatte über Natur, Zweck und Methodik der vergleichenden politischen Theorie aufbauen und einen ergänzenden Beitrag dazu leisten.
This project is the first major study of the renowned Japanese political theorist Masao Maruyama (1914–1996) from a distinctly comparative perspective. An interdisciplinary project located at the intersection of Political Theory, Global Intellectual History, and Japanese and East Asian Studies, it presents a novel reinterpretation of Maruyama as a theorist of political failure, drawing comparisons between him and a host of other thinkers, including Hannah Arendt, Raymond Aron, Christopher Browning, Yukichi Fukuzawa, Louis Hartz, Hisao Otstuka, Judith Shklar and Takaaki Yoshimoto. In so doing, it simultaneously builds on and contributes to the recent debate over the nature, scope and methodology of Comparative Political Theory (CPT). The project will be hosted by the Department of Philosophy and the History of Ideas at Aarhus University (AU), where I will also be affiliated with the Department of Global Studies and the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies, and collaborate with other on-going projects such as the Horizon 2020 project on 'European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Colonial Cities'. My supervisor and I will meet fortnightly, co-direct a new Research Unit on Global and Comparative Political Thought, and coordinate a number of academic events pertinent to my project. The research findings will be disseminated through essay publications and oral presentations, and will ultimately culminate in a major monograph, which will be the first English-language book on Maruyama written in Europe. I will also develop as a teacher of political theory as well as a researcher, enrolling in AU's Teacher Training Programme, obtaining the University Teaching Qualification, and gaining teaching experiences. Making highly original contributions to the current pan-European debate over the globalization of Political Theory as an academic discipline, the successful completion of this project will add a new dimension to my work and significantly enhance my future career prospect.
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MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Koordinator
8000 Aarhus C