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Brain-on-a-chip as a preclinical model tool for the screening of theranostic nanoformulations for neurodegenerative diseases

Descripción del proyecto

Desarrollo de fármacos para trastornos neurodegenerativos con una tecnología de «encéfalo en un chip»

En la actualidad, los tratamientos contra las enfermedades neurodegenerativas y neurológicas son limitados e ineficaces. Esto se debe sobre todo a la complejidad del encéfalo y a la incapacidad de muchos fármacos para atravesar la barrera hematoencefálica. El proyecto BrainChip4MED, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo desarrollar un modelo «in vitro» para estudiar nanotransportadores dirigidos al encéfalo como vehículos de administración de fármacos a este conjunto de órganos. Los investigadores emplearán una tecnología de «encéfalo en un chip» para generar un modelo microfluídico y combinarlo con biosensores múltiples para el cribado de varios fármacos en tiempo real. El proyecto se centrará en moléculas de partida para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Alzheimer.


Despite all the progress and effort that has been made in the last few decades regarding the research on neurodegenerative diseases, the complexity of the human brain and the low efficiency of drugs that can cross the brain-blood-barrier (BBB), have halted significant breakthroughs in neurosciences. Motivated by the lack of an appropriate in vitro model to study brain-targeting nanocarriers, the aim of BrainChip4MED is to develop an advanced microfluidic preclinical tool to recapitulate the structural and functional aspects of the human brain tissue and BBB, using brain-on-a-chip (BoC) technology, to assess and study possible alternatives for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This breakthrough vision will be accomplished by exploring for the first time a novel and multidisciplinary strategy, where chemistry-, engineering- and biology-based approaches will be combined for the creation of a robust microfluidic 3D brain-model, combined with multiplexed biosensor system, for real-time screening of new nanotechnologically-designed drug BBB-targeting nanocarriers. In order to pursue this project, the researcher will carry out the outgoing phase at HMS/BWH - Harvard Medical School/Brigham and Women’s Hospital (USA), pioneer in the development of organ-on-a-chip (OoC) and biosensors, for a period of 12 months (WP1). The researcher will then return to INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (Portugal), for the final 12 months (WP2 and WP3), where novel engineered nanoformulation will be developed and tested on the BoC prototype. With BrainChip4MED the researcher will greatly expand her scientific expertise in the fields of OoC and nanotechnology, positioning her as a leading independent researcher, bridging the worlds of engineering and medicine. At the same time, BrainChip4MED has great outreach for academia and pharmaceutical research, contributing to the advancement of nanomedicine and neurosciences in Europe and beyond.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 156 540,48
4715-330 Braga

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Continente Norte Cávado
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 156 540,48

Socios (1)