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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

International, Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral Information and Communications Technology PhD Programme


Stipendien für Nachwuchsforschende am CITIC

Das Zentrum für IKT-Forschung (Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, CITIC) der Universität A Coruña ist ein wegweisendes Forschungszentrum für Exzellenz in Forschung, Entwicklung und Innovation in der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, das spezialisierte technische, forschungsbezogene und übertragbare Schulungen für Nachwuchsforschende, darunter Doktorandenprogramme, anbietet. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt 3-i ICT bildet ein innovatives internationales Doktorandenprogramm, das acht Stipendien für Nachwuchsforschende am CITIC bietet. Es wird zwei internationale Ausschreibungen umfassen, die CITIC als Zentrum für neue Forschungstalente in der Euroregion Galicien-Nordportugal vorsehen. Das Projekt wird auch die 3i-Dimension des Stipendiums und den interdisziplinären Charakter des Programms sicherstellen und dazu beitragen, die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Geförderten zu verbessern und zu diversifizieren.


The Centre for Information and Communications Technology Research (CITIC) of the Universidade da Coruña (UDC) is a unique research centre for the promotion of R&D&I excellence in ICT. One of its main aims is to offer specialised technical, research and transferable skills training to early-stage researchers (ESR), including PhD programme studies.
3-i ICT is an innovative new international PhD programme, offering eight fellowship grants to ESRs to carry out their PhD studies at CITIC. The programme will run over 60 months and will include two international calls. Contracts will have a duration of 36 months.
The programme will provide ESRs with unique opportunities for basic and applied interdisciplinary research, training and career development. To ensure the 3-i dimension of the fellowship, the programme will include secondments in non-academic partner institutions in Spain and in other countries. To ensure the interdisciplinary nature of the programme, each thesis will have one supervisor from the field of ICT and one from a different academic discipline.
The programme will enhance fellows’ career prospects by improving and diversifying their employability skills. They will come away from the programme with a PhD degree and comprehensive complementary training in research and transferable skills. This training will give them a solid competitive advantage in their future careers in both academic and non-academic sectors.
3-i ICT will place CITIC at the forefront of research and innovation in the field of ICT. Institutionally, CITIC is already the leading ICT centre in Galicia, but 3-i ICT will position it as a hub for new research talent in the Galicia-North of Portugal Euroregion. The programme will represent a substantive leap towards accomplishing the goals of the R&I Smart Specialisation Strategy for Galicia (RIS3) and the cross-border R&I Smart Specialisation Strategy of Galicia-Northern Portugal (RIS3T).


€ 650 880,00
15001 La Coruna

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