Flexible „Mehrzweck“-Netzwerkanpassung kann helfen, verlorene Gehirnfunktionen wiederherzustellen
Viele Gehirnregionen und Zelltypen reagieren selektiv auf bestimmte Arten von Informationen und verarbeiten diese. Im Gegensatz dazu sind die bereichsübergreifenden Netzwerke im Gehirn bei einer Vielzahl anspruchsvoller kognitiver Aufgaben aktiv, ähnlich wie übertragbare Fähigkeiten oder soziale Kompetenzen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FLEXBRAIN untersucht die Fähigkeit dieser bereichsübergreifenden Netzwerke, Störungen in den semantischen Kognitionsnetzwerken zu kompensieren, die es uns gestatten, Wissen zu nutzen, zu manipulieren und zu verallgemeinern. Darüber hinaus wird das Team die Fähigkeit von bereichsübergreifenden Netzwerken zur flexiblen Anpassung an Läsionen im Allgemeinen und sogar zur Kompensation von Beeinträchtigungen im alternden Gehirn durch Experimente zur neuronalen Stimulation in jungen und alternden Gehirnen untersuchen.
The human brain is flexible. Neural networks adapt to cognitive demands by flexibly recruiting different regions and connections. Flexible network adaptation enables cognitive functions such as semantic cognition: the ability to use, manipulate, and generalize knowledge. When key nodes suffer damage, networks can adapt to recover function. Yet, brain lesions often severely impair semantic cognition. How the semantic network adapts to lesions is poorly understood. My hypothesis is that disruption of the semantic network can be compensated for by recruitment of domain-general networks. This notion is based on findings that disruption of semantic nodes inhibits semantic activity but increases activity in domain-general nodes. Yet, the behavioral relevance of domain-general recruitment is unclear. Compensation means that behavior can be preserved as other nodes work harder. Can domain-general networks effectively compensate for disruption of specialized nodes? Is this a common principle of flexible adaptation in the healthy young, aging, and lesioned brain? Unprecedented inhibitory and facilitatory neurostimulation will be used to unbalance and rebalance network adaptation in semantic cognition. Importantly, a novel network stimulation approach will target multiple nodes simultaneously. I ask three questions. (i) Can domain-general networks compensate for semantic network disruption? (ii) Is domain-general recruitment in the aging brain adaptive? (iii) Do domain-general networks drive flexible adaptation to lesions? Perturbing young brains will elucidate the relevance of network adaptation. Perturbing aging brains will probe compensatory reorganization. Facilitating lesioned brains will reshape flexible adaptation. Benefitting from my strong neurostimulation experience, we will elucidate the way the brain compensates for disruption. The potential impact of the project on current conceptions of brain plasticity, and for rehabilitative medicine in particular, is immense.
- HORIZON.1.1 - European Research Council (ERC) Main Programme
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