Description du projet
L’Europe en quête d’engrais de substitution
Les engrais sont absolument essentiels à la production de denrées alimentaires. La demande d’engrais biologiques augmente sous l’effet de l’augmentation du nombre d’agriculteurs qui décident de prendre le virage vert. Le projet NOVAFERT, financé par l’UE, entend passer en revue plus d’une vingtaine de produits fertilisants de substitution qui contiennent des nutriments récupérés dans différents flux de déchets. Il démontrera la faisabilité technique, économique et environnementale et l’utilisation sûre de produits fertilisants de substitution pour faciliter le remplacement des engrais synthétiques et minéraux. En cartographiant les engrais de substitution actuellement utilisés en Europe, NOVAFERT élaborera également un atlas des laboratoires vivants fondés sur les nutriments. Ses résultats amélioreront l’utilisation efficace et sûre des produits fertilisants de substitution et étayeront la prise de décision sur la valorisation employée dans la récupération des nutriments.
In line with the Zero Pollution action plan, the “Farm to Fork” strategy and the new Fertilising Product Regulation, NOVAFERT will demonstrate the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility and safe use of a wide portfolio of at least 25 alternative fertilising products, containing recovered nutrients from all 6 different waste streams mentioned in the call, with the goal of facilitating the replacement of synthetic and mineral fertilisers.
NOVAFERT gathers 9 multidisciplinary actors to demonstrate the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility and safe use of alternative fertilising products. The environmental aspect will be covered by developing guidelines and a consensual method for environmental assessment of alternative fertilising products. The economic aspect will be covered by co-creating novel, circular and green business models. As such, NOVAFERT will reduce environmental impacts and external nutrient dependence in agriculture in 6 representative countries from Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern and Central Europe.
NOVAFERT will map existing alternative fertilising products across Europe and develop an Atlas of the nutrient-oriented living labs, and also will support the development of sustainable local value chains. By regionally contextualizing and interlinking all main recovering technologies and products, and technically connecting all value chains and key relevant stakeholders in 7 regional working groups and 7-10 lighthouse demo’s, NOVAFERT will foster the sustainable use and management of alternative fertilizing products in Europe. Moreover, NOVAFERT will develop a portfolio of support policies and legislative instruments suitable for local deployment in the EU regions through 7 specific action plans and 4 policy briefs. Thereby NOVAFERT will bring together the necessary information for efficient and safe utilizing of alternative fertilising products to help decision-making on valorisation employed in nutrient recovery.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
HORIZON-CSA - HORIZON Coordination and Support ActionsCoordinateur
9000 Gent