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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Multibeam Integrated Optical Antenna Array Design for Free-Space Communication

Descripción del proyecto

El futuro de las redes 5G y posteriores

Avancemos hacia el futuro: la industria del automóvil ha conseguido llegar a la conducción totalmente autónoma y el mundo de las clases a distancia y las videollamadas se ha hecho realidad con los hologramas. Se trata de un futuro que depende de que las radiofrecuencias estén a la altura de estas nuevas y sorprendentes tendencias tecnológicas. Asimismo, se requiere la estandarización de las redes 5G y posteriores. En este contexto, el proyecto MIMOSA, financiado con fondos europeos, combinará conceptos del mundo de las radiofrecuencias con la fotónica integrada para producir un sistema radiante y óptico compacto de entrada y salida múltiple (MIMO, por sus siglas en inglés) que sea reconfigurable electrónicamente. Diseñará un sistema con al menos ocho haces controlables. Este sistema multihaz orientable ofrecerá enlaces de alta disponibilidad que funcionarán en condiciones atmosféricas reales y ofrecerán capacidades superiores a los 50 Gbps con una distancia de enlace de hasta 1 000 metros.


Humanity envisions the future world with cars driving themselves, the holograms in video conferences, augmented reality used everywhere to assist our daily life, and the list continues. The previous generation of mobile networks could not support such applications, and so the redesign of the network was decided with the 5th generation (5G) network standardization. In the redesigned network topology the signal processing previously occurred on the antenna site was moved to a central location and virtualized. This disaggregation allowed advanced functionalities and reduce the cost of antenna sites. On the other hand, it generated the need for a very fast and low latency connection between these disaggregated units (fronthaul) which cannot be supported with current wireless technologies and so only the fiber can be used.
The MIMOSA aims to combine concepts from the RF world with integrated photonics for producing and demonstrating a compact electronically reconfigurable optical MIMO radiating system. The multibeam feeding network and the radiating elements, antennas, will be designed as a single monolithic photonic chip, which will reduce significantly the cost and form factor of the system. A system with at least 8 controllable beams will be designed. With the researcher’s background lying in the field of RF and wireless communications, his close collaboration with a host institute with strong expertise in the field of photonics provides the optimal framework for translating wireless needs into optically-enabled realities. Such a multibeam steerable MIMO system is expected to offer high availability links operating in real-life atmospheric conditions offering capacities higher than 50Gbps for up to 1000m link distance. The project will generate a framework for the implementation of high data rate optical wireless links capable to support 5G and beyond fronthaul requirements while reducing the cost, mass, form factor, and power consumption of the links.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 191 858,40

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Βόρεια Ελλάδα Κεντρική Μακεδονία Θεσσαλονίκη
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
Sin datos

Socios (2)