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Synchronization of Physiological Rhythms between Musicians and Audiences in Live Concerts

Opis projektu

Jak muzyka wpływa na nasze ciała i umysły?

W skomplikowanym świecie muzyki rytm życia wyznacza bicie serca i oddech. Badacze od dawna dostrzegają fascynującą interakcję rytmów fizjologicznych podczas wspólnych działań, takich jak występy zespołowe. Realizowany dzięki wsparciu działania „Maria Skłodowska-Curie” projekt SynchInConcert skupia badaczy podejmujących pionierskie badania wzajemnych oddziaływań rytmów serca i oddechów muzyków i słuchaczy podczas występów na żywo. W ramach nowatorskich analiz zespół przyjrzy się, w jaki sposób wpływa na nie oprawa koncertów oraz czynniki społeczne i kontekstowe. Dzięki współpracy z Orkiestrą Symfoniczną ze Stavanger, badacze zgromadzą nagrania audiowizualne, zapisy rytmu serca oraz dane na temat oddechów wybranych muzyków i członków publiczności.


Heartbeats and breathing rhythms are essential to life. Lab-based research suggests that certain contextual and social factors can impact the interaction between these physiological rhythms, during joint actions such as ensemble playing. SynchInConcert aims at a cutting-edge contribution to the study of physiological rhythms, by investigating, for the first time to our knowledge, the influence between the cardiac and respiratory rhythms of musicians and audiences in live concerts. SynchInConcert will also investigate how these rhythms reflect the aesthetics of the concerts and are influenced by social and contextual components. Three research events will be held with the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra (SSO) and a full audience in a concert hall. During these events, video, audio, cardiac, and respiratory data from selected musicians and audience members will be recorded as well as questionnaires evaluating their level of immersion in the music. A strong interdisciplinary approach will be adopted, by integrating insights, methods and techniques from several disciplines (i.e. music performance science, psychology, physiology, computer science, acoustic engineering and cognitive sciences). Results can significantly contribute to the study of joint actions, by identifying ways in which physiological rhythms support social interactions. The hosts, RITMO Centre of Excellence in Oslo, Casa Paganini in Genoa (secondment) and SSO (placement), offer a unique opportunity to strengthen my expertise in music psychology and performance (focused on sound and behavioral components of interpersonal interactions in small ensembles) to that of music performance physiology in large orchestras. Supported by the outstanding track record of research excellence of the host organizations, the extensive mentorship experiences of my supervisors, and the new set of skills acquired, this fellowship will enhance my prospects for positions of independent researcher within and outside academia.


Wkład UE netto
€ 283 438,80
0313 Oslo

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Norge Oslo og Viken Oslo
Rodzaj działalności
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Koszt całkowity
Brak danych

Partnerzy (2)