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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Innovative precast panels for Integrated SEismic and Energy upgrading of existing buildings envelopes

Descrizione del progetto

Pannelli innovativi per promuovere riqualificazioni sostenibili

In linea con la politica europea di rinnovamento del Green Deal, l’UE impone soluzioni sostenibili di riqualificazione per gli edifici esistenti, integrando miglioramenti a livello sismico ed energetico. Per garantire l’implementazione di metodi di riqualificazione ecologici e rapidi, risulta di cruciale importanza lo svolgimento di ulteriori ricerche. In questo contesto, il progetto i-SeePanel, finanziato dal programma di azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie, si prefigge di potenziare le attuali soluzioni integrate di riqualificazione mediante la creazione di innovativi pannelli prefabbricati per il rivestimento esterno, nel rispetto dei principi stabiliti dal paradigma LCT (life cycle thinking, ovvero concetto del ciclo di vita). Questi pannelli prefabbricati, il cui impiego è finalizzato a migliorare le prestazioni sismiche ed energetiche degli involucri degli edifici esistenti, fondono il rafforzamento sismico con l’utilizzo di materiali isolanti, garantendo qualità, adattabilità e semplicità di installazione. Questo approccio riduce al minimo i tempi di intervento, i disagi per i residenti e gli sforzi di manodopera rispetto alle soluzioni del tipo «getto in opera».


There is an urgent socio-economic and environmental need in Europe for sustainable and effective solutions for integrated seismic and energy upgrading of existing buildings as recently adopted by the Green Deal-Renovation policy. Although the field of integrated seismic and energy upgrading has received great attention in the academic community in the last five years, further research is required towards faster, and eco-friendly integrated retrofitting solutions. This project, i-SeePanel, goes several steps beyond the state-of-the-art which still lacks of the real applications of integrated retrofitting solutions, via the development of Innovative externally bonded precast panels, in accordance with Life Cycle Thinking (LCT) principles, for integrated seismic and energy upgrading of existing buildings envelopes. The proposed precast panels combine the promising seismic strengthening solution TRM (composite material consisting of fibre-textiles reinforcement embedded into an inorganic matrix) with insulation materials providing several advantages compared to cast-in-place solutions by guarantying the effectiveness of the solution (quality-controlled) with high aesthetic and geometry adaptability potentials, and by reducing the time of the intervention, the inconveniences for the inhabitants and the labor effort due to simplifier installation procedure. The research activities of this project include the experimental work for the production and characterization of the matrix material and of the precast panel, pilot laboratory applications on full-scale masonry-infilled RC frames, and the developing design guidelines for proposed applications. The outcomes obtained from this project will encourage the renovation of existing buildings and will aid the authorities in funding upgrading interventions, while at the same time the use of the proposed solution will be beneficial to enhance the resilience and the sustainability of existing building stock.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 156 778,56
4704 553 Braga

Mostra sulla mappa

Continente Norte Cávado
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
Nessun dato

Partner (1)