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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
Contenido archivado el 2024-04-19

Application of Reuse Techniques in Real Industrial Environments


The state of the art of software systems both in military and civilian real-time embedded applications requires increasing of productivity and quality in an environment of declining budgets, while complexity of applications raises software production costs.

The objective of this experiment is to combine reuse with the neglected concerns for efficiency and safety and help companies to select the reuse methods which are most appropriate according to their maturity and development process. In order to cope with these challenging requirements without jeopardising the development, a framework has to be established that supplies software developers with:

- a way to clearly identify and re-engineer existing software components
- a support for storage and maintenance of such components
- facilities for retrieving stored components while developing new applications.

This experiment will allow to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the selected methodology in large scale and critical programming projects already developed following company and/or international standards.

To achieve this objective the project will directly exploit results from relevant European R&D projects and will produce a framework for introduction of reuse in the development of safe, long lived and cost-effective products. The major source is the ESPRIT project REBOOT(Esprit 5327), which provides an industrial environment for reuse and proper methods for identifying and designing reusable software components: in particular it is based on a faceted classification approach and stresses the importance of qualification and evaluation of reusable components.

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Alenia Un'Azienda Finmeccanica SpA
Aportación de la UE
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Corso Marche 41
10146 Torino

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Coste total
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Participantes (1)