The objective of EPSILON was to build an environment for the development and use of knowledge-based management systems (KBMS) based on standard technologies, namely relational databases and Prolog. It was to be portable, extensible, and available on a wide range of minicomputers and workstations.
Three technical goals were set for these objectives to be achieved:
-integration of logic programming and database technologies
-linguistics extensions and analysis and verification tools
-a user interface for non-expert users.
The objective was to build an environment for the development and use of knowledge based management systems (KBMS) based on standard technologies, namely relational databases and Prolog. It was to be portable, extensible, and available on a wide range of minicomputers and workstations. Three technical goals were set for these objectives to be achieved: integration of logic programming and database technologies; linguistics extensions and analysis and vertification tools; a user interface for nonexpert users. The project made progress in the prototypeintegration of the general system, in the development of a kernel inference engine allowing the construction of different inference machines by specifying the control structure, in the development of a graphical user interface, using window techniques, and in the connection of distributed data and knowledge bases through local area networks. The project developed the notion of theories and the object oriented concept of links between theories. Techniques that allow a combination of rules and relational algebraic expressions were established. A prototype system was developed to assess company credit worthiness in accordance with the financial and credit policies of the Italian government. A further system assists banker in their assessment of customer loan applications.
The EPSILON project made progress in the following four areas:
-prototype integration of the general system
-development of a kernel inference engine allowing the construction of different inference machines by specifying the control structure
-graphical user interface, using window techniques
-connection of distributed data and knowledge bases through local area networks (LANs).
The project developed the notion of theories and the object-oriented concept of links between theories. Techniques that allow a combination of rules and relational algebraic expressions were established.
A prototype system was developed to assess company credit-worthiness in accordance with the financial and credit policies of the Italian government. A further system (the Loan Expert) assists bankers in their assessment of customer loan applications.Exploitation
A prototype workstation was produced which allows the use of Unix-based Prolog and a commercially available relational database in one system.
A second prototype connects the DBMS workstations to form an integrated KBMS.
The work on theories could prove to be a very flexible and powerful approach to the development of knowledge-based systems, especially in a Prolog environment.
EPSILON will be ported and experimented on parallel architecture developed in project 2025 (EDS).
Campo scientifico
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
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00142 Roma