Opis projektu
Zaawansowana technologia szyn zbiorczych do zastosowań wysokotemperaturowych
Systemy dystrybucji energii w samolotach bardziej elektrycznych będą musiały radzić sobie z wysokimi napięciami i temperaturami. Dzięki dofinansowaniu projektu VILB ze środków unijnych francuska firma Auxel i Laboratorium Badawcze LSE z siedzibą w Zjednoczonym Królestwie wspólnie opracują i zademonstrują technologię, która pozwoli na rozwiązanie tych problemów. Nowa technologia, lakierowane i impregnowane laminowane szyny zbiorcze, (ang. varnished and impregnated laminated busbar, VILB) stanowi prawdziwy przełom, ponieważ opiera się na całkowicie nowej strategii izolowania laminowanych szyn zbiorczych. Dzięki temu procesowi laminowane szyny zbiorcze mają stać się odporne na wyższe temperatury (240°C) i wyładowania niezupełne.
More Electrical Aircraft power distribution systems are increasingly required to operate in harsh environments and increasing voltage (HVDC), including high temperature. The company Auxel (an industrial leader in laminated busbars) & the LSEE Research Laboratory (Electrotechnical Systems and Environment) will conjointly address this topic by developing a technology able to effectively address the challenges of High Voltage, high operating temperature (up to 240°) and controlled lifetime: VILB (Varnished & Impregnated Laminated Busbar) technology. Firstly, VILB is a technological breakthrough as it is based on an entirely new strategy for the insulation of laminated busbars (LBB) (one component of the power distribution systems). Indeed, VILB will replace insulating films, glue and complex assembly processes by a heating press with an impregnation technology using a dielectric resin. This process will make the LBB resistant to higher temperatures (240°) and partial discharge (tiny short circuits appearing during the insulation phase and accelerating the system ageing). Secondly, VILB is a limited risk taking technology as it is inspired by perfectly mature technologies and products widely used for the insulation of electric machines. Thirdly, the potential VILB impacts are way beyond aeronautical sector: VILB could be duplicated in many other applications such as power modules, converters, automotive Industry, etc. Finally, thanks to this simplified process, in comparison with the traditional thermally bonded insulating film on heating press process, the implementation of VILB technology for busbars will result in higher productivity (x 5), lower production costs (from - 10% to - 30%) and energy savings (- 80%). During the project, the busbar will be designed, its performance simulated, the prototypes tested to TRL6 demonstration ending with a “TRL 7 ready” prototype. AUXEL and the LSEE have already co-patented VILB with 2 patent pending applications.
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