Description du projet
Une nouvelle cible thérapeutique potentielle pour les maladies du foie
Thermogenèse signifie littéralement génération de chaleur. La thermogenèse adaptative est un autre mécanisme régulatoire qui survient en réponse aux changements de température et d’alimentation. Depuis une dizaine d’années, elle bénéficie d’une attention accrue en raison de son rôle potentiel dans l’obésité et la diète prolongée. Elle pourrait aussi jouer un rôle important dans les maladies du foie, en particulier la stéatose hépatique non alcoolique (SHNA) qui est également associée à l’obésité et au diabète de type 2. Le projet Hepatic Thermogenesi, financé par l’UE, a ciblé le foie comme un site potentiel de thermogenèse adaptative. Les scientifiques envisagent de cerner les mécanismes moléculaires et le rôle de la régulation sympathique. Face à l’augmentation des SHNA, les résultats pourraient offrir de nouvelles options de traitement.
Core body temperature is among the best-guarded constants in homeothermic species. It results from the evolution of physiological mechanisms capable of regulating the production as well as the exchange of heat with the environment. The objective of my proposal is to define a new role for the liver in adaptive thermogenesis whereby the liver will be involved in heat production under the regulation of the hepatic sympathetic nerve. I will first ascertain that the liver can generate extra heat when adaptive thermogenesis is triggered (Aim 1). Hepatic adaptive thermogenesis will be demonstrated using a combination of interdisciplinary, cutting-edge technologies normally applied to the fields of physics and chemistry. I will then determine the molecular foundation of this hepatic heat production (Aim 2). For this purpose, OMICs data (transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomics) will be generated from cold-exposed liver tissues in order to identify: (1) the hepatic molecular heating mechanism; (2) the expected metabolic rewiring necessary to sustain prolonged heat production from thermogenic hepatocytes. Finally, I will study how hepatic adaptive thermogenesis is regulated by the hepatic sympathetic nerve at the anatomical level and by the adrenergic receptor Adrb3 at the molecular level (Aim 3). For this purpose, I will use a combination of surgical (hepatic sympathectomy) and genetic (generation of liver-specific beta-adrenergic receptor 3 knockout mice) ablation techniques. Longstanding observations, together with my own preliminary results argue for this existence of hepatic adaptive thermogenesis and its molecular characterization would certainly represent a major breakthrough for both our fundamental understanding of homoeothermic physiology as well as for future clinical applications. Demonstrating that the liver is involved in adaptive thermogenesis would certainly open new avenues for the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, a major disease in Europe.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
MSCA-IF-EF-RI - RI – Reintegration panelCoordinateur
1015 Lausanne