Description du projet
Un coaching social hors champ
Les meilleurs coach du monde ne sont pas forcément ceux qu’on voit sur le terrain. Les meilleurs coach du monde, ce sont les enseignants, les travailleurs de la santé et les parents qui donnent aux autres les moyens de produire eux-mêmes les changements dont ils ont besoin. C’est là qu’est le véritable coaching, en tant que rituel social. Le projet CoachingRituals, financé par l’UE, étudiera cet aspect du coaching. Adoptant une approche comparative et empirique, ce projet fera du rituel de coaching, de son jeu de langage, de ses applications et de ses effets, des éléments essentiels pour analyser la manière dont nous agissons aujourd’hui sur le comportement et les émotions des autres. Pour ce faire, il utilisera trois niveaux d’analyse: le niveau macro des transformations de l’environnement moral, le niveau méso des pratiques des institutions et des acteurs, et le niveau micro des effets du rituel de coaching. Le projet mettra également en lumière les tensions inhérentes à la pratique du coaching et la manière de les résoudre.
The major goal of this project is to establish a greater understanding of the pervasive and elusive practice of coaching (empowering people so that they produce themselves the changes they need) as a ritual action which is specific to liberal-individualistic societies that support the idea of a hidden potential in each of us.
This project will focus on the ways the coaching logic transforms three specific common social activities (parenting, teaching and mental health care) that have traditionally been characterized by an asymmetry between a person in a lower position and a person in a higher position. The multiplication of coaching devices in these fields however signals a loss of legitimacy of this feature. Through a comparative and empirically-grounded perspective, we will make the coaching ritual, its language game, applications and effects, into salient analysers of how we act nowadays on other peoples’ behaviour and emotions.
We will combine three levels of analysis: the macro-level analysis of the transformations of the moral environment, the meso-level analysis of the institutional and actors’ practices and the micro-level analysis of coaching ritual’s effects. Macro-level will require an international comparison between the United Kingdom, Italy, and France/French-speaking Belgium. Meso and micro-level will focus on the last area.
The study will also combine three methods: a comparative content analysis of controversies, participant observations of coaching performances in 6 different contexts, and semi-structured interviews with around 100 participants (coaching promotors; parents, teachers, caregivers providing coaching; adolescents, students and care receivers to which this logic is applied).
By taking the coaching ritual seriously and keeping at distance celebration or criticism, this project seeks not only to produce new theoretical knowledge, but also to shed light on coaching-related tensions and raise awareness among stakeholders.
Champ scientifique
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.
Régime de financement
ERC-STG - Starting GrantInstitution d’accueil
1000 Bruxelles / Brussel