Radikale neue Prozessleittechnik unterstützt optimierte Dünnschichtabscheidung
Dünne und ultradünne Schichten sind Materialschichten, die auf ein Grundsubstrat aufgebracht werden, um dessen Eigenschaften zu verändern oder zu verbessern. Ihre Dicke reicht von einem Mikrometer bis zu Bruchteilen eines Nanometers und sie erfahren eine zunehmende Nachfrage in hochtechnischen Anwendungen wie Halbleiterbauelementen, Nanotechnologie, Optoelektronik sowie medizinischen und umwelttechnischen Geräten. Die Abscheidung dieser sehr dünnen Schichten ist knifflig. Hierfür wird eine Bandbreite von Techniken angewendet, von denen viele in einer Vakuumkammer umgesetzt werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt INTELEG S HF entwickelt ein bahnbrechendes Gasanalysesystem zur Prozesssteuerung in allen relevanten Umgebungen. Dies wird dem florierenden Dünnschichtmarkt neue Flügel verleihen.
The fast growing thin and ultra-thin film industries largely rely on modern vacuum-based processes, which often exhibit fast and slow process gas composition changes and drifts. Such changes are undesirable and can result in reproducibility and product quality issues. Various control strategies, relying on proper monitoring systems (such as Gas Analysis Systems [GAS]), can be employed to stabilise production processes at the desired working point by regulating gas flow and thus adjusting gas composition. However, currently existing GAS are rather limited and there is no solution available on the market that provides gas composition information reliably in the process pressure range between 0.1 and 10,000 mTorr as well as provide 24/7 non-stop operation. Furthermore, ultra-thin film market has been exponentially growing: by 2024 it is expected to grow at CAGR of 15.1%; up to €99.78 bn. Due to the growing demand for reliable wide-range GAS solving the existing shortcomings, Nova Fabrica has developed a miniature high-frequency plasma-OES-based gas analysis system INTELEG® S HF. It enables to measure the gas composition of vacuum-based processes in the pressure range from 0.1 up to 10,000 mTorr. It is expected that INTELEG® S HF will be the first single GAS instrument in the world capable to provide process gas analysis for PVD, CVD, ALD, IAD, etc., as well as for processes taking place in even lower vacuum at pressures up to 10,000 mTorr. Comparing to competing solutions, a breakthrough INTELEG® S HF solution offers a true global “down-stream” process gas analysis, 24/7 operation, 100,000 hours of mean time before failure, fulfilment of industry 4.0 requirements, competitive price, has no production downtime and is maintenance-free. The main objectives of Phase 1 of SME Instrument are to develop an elaborate feasibility study including technical feasibility testing, IPR strategy and business plan – crucial steps towards successful commercialisation of the solution.
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SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Koordinator
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