Description du projet
Logiciel pour une consultation numérique
En moyenne, une consultation chez le médecin dure environ 10 minutes en Europe et le patient n’assimile que de 14 % des informations reçues. Les séjours à l’hôpital et les visites chez le médecin coûtent chaque année environ 65 milliards d’euros aux patients, car ils ne comprennent pas à quel moment ni de quelle manière les médicaments prescrits doivent être pris. Le projet Anatomus, financé par l’UE, permet d’effectuer des enregistrements numériques personnalisés de la consultation médecin-patient, ce qui contribue à améliorer la communication, l’engagement du patient et le respect du plan de traitement.
Anatomus is a software platform that enables personalised and recorded doctor-patient consultations, which enhance patient education and increase treatment plan adherence.
Seal of Excellence recipient in February 2019, eMedia is an award winning medical multimedia software design company, registered and based in Ireland, specialising in 3D medical education software - most notably, creators of the Pocket Anatomy, the company has developed Anatomus, a software platform that is working on using interactive 3D anatomy to improve the overall doctor-patient communication process.
The doctor-patient consultation lasts on average 10 minutes in Europe, resulting, in the patient, remembering only 14% of what was discussed. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), “in developed countries, adherence among patients suffering chronic diseases averages only 50%”, which leads to higher hospitalisation, higher costs (€125billion/year), higher social impact and premature deaths (200,000/year).
Based on these challenges, Anatomus aims to help patients understand and remember what the doctor said by using interactive multimedia visualisations of common illnesses on mobile devices in the doctor's office, which can be shared with patients for improved understanding, recall, and treatment plan adherence.
Champ scientifique
Régime de financement
SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Coordinateur
L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.